
Tadiwa T Gwede
1 min readFeb 22, 2017


Be weary my child
from when the sun rises
till its daily death
and when the moon conquers
for the dark hearts always linger
ready to pull the trigger

I was once a lad like you
free thinking and acting
Alas! the system got me
intertwined with roots of slavery
credit card dependency
and nutritional hazardry

The more I protested
the more they detested
my existence was a nuisance
a dead-zone in their blueprints
so they bashed me within their plan
to be their docile and obedient man

Those were the days I hated the most
those were the days I became a ghost
contorted into the background
only breathing when they weren’t around

I slowly ended their dynasty
one pill after another
thus you grew amidst controversy
with no sister or a brother
in the remnants of a dead nation
whose kind only knew manipulation



Tadiwa T Gwede
Writer for

The screaming blank pages cry out to be suffocated by verbiage