What Are The Health Benefits of CBD?

Wonsuk Choi
Published in
6 min readJun 2, 2020


Cannabis users are generous with their advice on why cannabis consumption is a healthy exercise and all the reasons for you to partake. As annoying as it might sound to a non-smoker with no interest in smoking weed, science is actually on their side. Cannabis consumption does do wonders for our health. So what if you could consume cannabis and enjoy all the health benefits it has to offer without having to smoke it or without undergoing any of its psychoactive effects? There’s good news for you. You can do precisely that with cannabidiol or CBD.

Now, you ask? CBD or cannabidiol is the second most active ingredient of cannabis. It is derived from the hemp plant, instead of the marijuana plant. CBD is a component of marijuana, but it is not capable of providing a “high” on its own. The WHO has found that pure CBD usage has no properties to inculcate dependence or abuse.

Today, markets are flush with products containing this seemingly cure-all. CBD products range from shampoos and bath products to skincare solutions in the form of lotions, and so on. You can pick them up almost everywhere, from a drugstore to a gas station, a grocery store, or online. Some of the conditions that CBD…



Wonsuk Choi

2x Top Writer. Professional Risk Taker. I Write About Personal Growth, Productivity, Business, Relationships, Business, and Life Overall.