English Kings Killing Foreigners play: A Triumph of Satire and Identity Exploration

Lorenzo Belenguer
Escapadas Ideas Mag
3 min readApr 26, 2024



English Kings Killing Foreigners is a riveting exploration that begins with audience engagement and culminates in a captivating display of mutual participation between its two talented actors. This daring production raises thought-provoking questions: Can two non-white, non-English individuals engage in a discourse about Englishness and iconic Shakespearean roles such as Henry V? Delving into the complexities of national identity, the play portrays the underdog-to-hero narrative deeply ingrained in the collective psyche, challenging traditional perceptions.

Nina Bowers, a nonbinary dual-heritage Canadian, and Philip Arditti, a Turkish Jewish actor, skillfully navigate the intricate layers of this narrative with a blend of wit and self-deprecating satire. Arditti’s portrayal of a RADA-trained actor, accused of entitlement while showing off his mastery of Received Pronunciation, adds depth to the performance, highlighting the fluidity of power dynamics. As the actors grapple with the complexities of celebrating a king known for his prowess in foreign conflicts (killing foreigners), their superb delivery evokes laughter, contemplation, and visceral reactions from the audience.

Set to premiere at Camden People’s Theatre in London from 23rd April to 11th May, this production promises…



Lorenzo Belenguer
Escapadas Ideas Mag

Artist #Minimalism / Editor Escapadas Ideas Mag / MA #Ethics & #AI / #NonBinary / Paper on AI bias mitigation on Springer https://rdcu.be/cGMLz