The New Production of La Traviata at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden is a Classic that Never Fails to Mesmerise

Lorenzo Belenguer
Escapadas Ideas Mag
5 min readDec 20, 2019


The opera La Traviata by Verdi is timeless, utterly elegant and never fails to move the audience. There are no boring bits.

Verdi is the Tarantino of human emotions.

He, and his librettist Francesco Maria Piave, perfectly understood the audience and created a journey where all emotions are explored: love, rage, jealousy, compassion, feeling of insecurities, forgiveness, etc. Premiered on 1853 at the La Fenice opera house in Venice, it remains a timeless piece.

The Redeemed Courtesan

Hrachuhi Bassenz as Violetta in La traviata © ROH 2019 photographed by Catherine Ashmore

The opera is based on La Dame aux Camelias by Alexandre Dumas.

In January 1847, a young woman lay dying of consumption at 11 Boulevard de la Madeleine in Paris. A prostitute, her name was Marie Duplessis. She had just turned 23 and was the most fashionable courtesan in Paris and Dumas’ lover. Within a year of her death, Dumas wrote the eponymous novel. It caused a stir. As René…



Lorenzo Belenguer
Escapadas Ideas Mag

Artist #Minimalism / Editor Escapadas Ideas Mag / MA #Ethics & #AI / #NonBinary / Paper on AI bias mitigation on Springer