Escape Into History — The Newsletter

Who wants to waste time searching?

Linda Acaster
Escape Into History
1 min readAug 6, 2023


Neolithic Ring of Brodgar, Orkney © Linda Acaster

My publication Escape Into History has finally risen into the light and I’m inaugurating a monthly Newsletter.

Why subscribe? What’s in it for you?

Time. Yours.

Everyone is busy. You may be interested in reading a story of the historical remains of Britain and its near neighbours, but you’re not an obsessive.

The stories are a pleasant, sometimes fascinating, interlude to escape with over coffee — but you haven’t the time to hunt for them. I get that.

Receiving the Escape Into History newsletter — once a month, max — will deliver to your Inbox links to recent stories. Read them at your leisure. How many will there be? Not many. I’m not a speedy writer.

What will arrive? Let me tempt you. The initial Newsletter is on the sign-up page, so you can taste before you bite. Go for it.

Regards, Linda



Linda Acaster
Escape Into History

British multi-genre fiction author who haunts historical sites - check out her publication 'Escape Into History'. For novel links: