How to Write Killer Email Subject Lines

Having the right subject line for your email is like having the right key to start the car

Jason McBride
Weirdo Poetry
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2019


Subject lines are everything when it comes to email marketing. It doesn’t matter how sharp your email copy is, or how compelling your call to action is if nobody clicks to open the email.

Your subject line has one job, and you can tell right away if it got the job done or not. A great email subject line can get an open rate of 35%, 50%, or even 75%. An average subject line will get an open rate of 5% or less. A poor subject line will get you an open rate of 0%.

There is no worse feeling than going into your email program and seeing that your list of people who volunteered to hear from you, completely rejected your last email. But, at least you can fix the problem. You have to write a better subject line.

There are eight steps to writing a killer email subject line that your readers will be dying to open:

1. Focus on who is reading your emails

2. Pick a trigger emotion

3. Research headlines

4. Write five subject lines

5. Rest and walk away

6. Evaluate

7. Test



Jason McBride
Weirdo Poetry

Freelance Writer & Illustrator | Poet & Visual Essayist | Amateur Human | he/him