💯 Story Challenge

A Moment of Peace


Zane Dickens the Instigator
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


A ground level view of a message in a bottle washed up on a beautful sunny shore.
Image created by SweetChaos for Infinite Possibilities Prompts

Murph strolled the shore, Syn had coded for his personal retreat.

No signs of human life within one hundred walkable miles.

No buildings, roads, paths, or even footprints.

But here before lay a bottle.

With a message in it.

He gazed at the turquoise water, the nostalgic shoreline a generation past, before the sea flooded in and seafront property met the irresistible force of mother nature.

“Dammit, Syn,” he sighed.

He stooped to retrieve it, grunting with age he’d deny if Omni was anywhere nearby. Twisting it open, he let the rolled-up message slip onto his palm.

The tiny slip of paper read, “We know you’re unreachable and busy, but we want to check if you could, you know, get the fuck back to the present crisis? You know, the flying bullets and what not?”

Hmmm, he thought, must’ve been knocked into Standby…

A door appeared in the sand and surf. Murph opened it and stepped back into the Real as a spray of bullets flew through the portal over his shoulders.

Lights flickered and crackled as he drew deeply from the grid.

“I’m back!” he yelled, and the sand and surf behind him disintegrated into pixelated digital dust.

💯 Story Challenge (101/200)

A simple challenge to kick-start a consistent creative writing habit.
Roughly 100 stories in 100 days, at least a 100 words.



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at zane.substack.com/about