Imran Esmail
Escape Your Desk Job
4 min readAug 1, 2014


Freeletics — Get On It

Yesterday I heard about Freeletics, now after doing two workout routines, I am convinced this will finally transform my body and anyone else’s for that matter.

Here’s why:

Interval Training > Cardio

For beginners and to achieve the results most people want which is to get strong and lean in the shortest amount of time — interval training burns more calories than straight cardio per minute of work.

I’ve always wanted to join a Cross-Fit gym but it costs too much ($200 per month), the ones near me are too far away and I have to run on their schedule depending on when group sessions are.

Anyone Can Do It

As opposed to Cross-Fit which can seem imposing to a beginner or even weight-lifting which if you have never been to the gym or don’t go very often can seem too big a mountain to climb, Freeletics is fantastic.

The exercises only use your body weight and are functional in nature. Think squats, pushups, burpees, jumping jacks, etc. You can take as long as you want to complete them so are able to work at your own pace.

You Will See Progress

One of the most important things with working out is to track your progress to make sure that you are indeed getting stronger.

This gives you motivation to continue and serves as a marker to make sure you improve from week to week.

Early days

The challenge with traditional weight-lifting is you need to record the amounts for each type of machine and exercise. This can become cumbersome and you are more likely to relapse.

However, with Freeletics, it tracks the repetitions and time taken automatically and therefore its easy to keep track in the app itself.

No Gym is Required

With Freeletics, the world is your gym. I literally head down to the soccer field below my house and I have the app, a pull-up bar, my body weight and some space which is all you need.

Not only do I save costs on gym membership but I get to enjoy the outdoors since it is summertime right now in Canada.

Most Bang for Your Buck

My workouts are no longer than 30-45 minutes and HIIT workouts continue burning calories even after your workout. I find that after doing interval training my endurance and strength improvements translate to the sports I play — hockey and soccer.

Fantastic Results from The Community

The biggest thing that sold me were the transformation stories on Youtube which are really remarkable. Check this one out:

These people have ordinary physiques beforehand and simply commit to the program and achieve amazing results. That coupled with the other things mentioned on this list, really spoke to me.

Options for daaaaaays

Variety of Routines

As anyone who knows me well will say, I love to talk about the Spartacus Workout which a family member introduced me to in 2011. It also would be classified as a HIIT workout but I found after a few weeks the exercises got stale and I would need to switch it up.

With Freeletics, I get dozens of complete routines that I can mix and match depending on my mood and body parts I want to target.

Fixed Time Frame

The 15 week transformation period for me is not too long to seem imposing but long enough that other people have achieved amazing results.

I love challenges because there is always an end in sight and at the end you can hang your hat on achieving completion.

More often than not the habits you develop during a challenge carry over to after its completion as well.

Take On This Challenge

Let me be clear, I don’t work for Freeletics and I have just started getting into it. But from my experience working out since I was 14 and the challenges I have faced along the way, I feel Freeletics solves a lot of my problems. Of course, you need to have a healthy meal plan so I have my whole routine for your downloading pleasure — click here.

Freeletics is part of a bigger journey I have undertaken towards a path of minimalism and positive habit building.

It fits neatly into this philosophy as it allows me to keep a regular workout routine anywhere and anytime while reducing the amount of things I need (ie. gym membership and equipment).

If you would like more minimalistic habits I have started to use, you should read my upcoming book “Escape Your Bad Habits”.

Click here and i’ll notify you when its ready!

Imran Esmail writes at Escape Your Desk Job where through stories and case studies he shares methods you can use to cut out distractions, implement sustainable habits and ultimately build the life you’ve always wanted.

If you are looking for hacks to be more productive, join his free newsletter.

