Don’t Take That Summer Road Trip Without Following These 5 Safety Measures

Escape Road Trip
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2020

Please note: this post originally appeared on Escape Road Trip

After restless months of being stuck in quarantine and international travel on hold, many people are wondering what measures will ensure their road trip is safe during Summer 2020. Though many travelers are excited by the prospect of a vacation, it’s important to make those leisure sojourns safely!

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic the world has entered unprecedented times. These are the days of travel restrictions, Google classrooms, no contact food deliveries and Zoom meetings. As things begin to improve, everyone is excited to get back out in the world.

By following these five safety measures you can escape quarantine, while keeping your family and the community safe.

First, Clean Common Area (Airbnb, hotel or campsite)

The first step to planning your summer trip is to be wary of where you book your stays. Whether you are planning to stay on a campsite, at an Airbnb, or in a hotel, there are simple ways to help keep you and your family healthy. Depending on the trip you have planned, this may include packing high quality wipes or 75% alcohol hand sanitizer. Regardless of where you are staying, you should sanitize commonly used surfaces (doorknobs, T.V. remotes, and washroom surfaces) when you first arrive.

Second, Limit Unnecessary Stops

Before hitting the gas pedal, make sure you have prepared beforehand so you have items on hand that will limit unnecessary stops. This may include a cooler with a built in speaker, extra phone chargers, and a first aid kit. You can keep these items easily accessible, and avoid stressing about a cluttered car, by using a seat back car organizer.

Third, Follow COVID-19 Precautions

Though your vacation will provide you a time to unwind and escape from quarantine, it is still important that you continue to follow the CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself against COVID-19. One fundamental recommendation is washing your hands frequently, particularly if you have been in a public space, after blowing your nose, and before touching your face or eating. It is likely that there will be times during your trip where frequent hand washing is not easily accessible, that is why it is important to make sure you bring enough hand sanitizer for the number of people you are traveling with.

Fourth, Be Safe When Making Stops

Part of the joy of a road trip is finding interesting places to make stops along the way. That being said, it is important to take special precautions when making stops for gas, snacks, or bathroom breaks. When it comes to food, this means picking up at drive-throughs when possible, or taking advantage of the curbside pickup service available at many local restaurants. For additional stops, you should continue to follow the WHO ’s advice to wear a facemask, use sterile gloves, and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others. There are also other precautions that can be made such as the use of no-touch door openers, and touch screen wipes to clean surfaces after stops have been made.

Fifth, and Finally Clean Items When You Return Home

Though your first instinct after a long road trip may be to fall back into your own bed, there are some final steps to wrap up your trip safely. The first being to sanitize everything as you bring it back into your home, this means wiping down and sanitizing electronics, putting in a couple loads of laundry for clothing, bedding or camping gear, and if you brought your pet, giving them a bath as soon as possible after arriving home.

As the travel restrictions brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic begin to relax, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning a road trip. Though a road trip may be a great way to escape quarantine during Summer 2020, it must be done while maintaining these 5 safety measures; cleaning the common areas at your Airbnb, hotel or campsite; limiting unnecessary stops and being safe when stops are required; continuing to follow COVID-19 precautions; and sanitizing all items as soon as you return home.

As long as you prepare in advance, and continue to follow these safety measures, you can have a fun family trip while knowing that you are doing your part to flatten the curve and keep the rest of the community safe.



Escape Road Trip

Escape quarantine, while keeping your family and the community safe.