Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

Managing time outside the 9 to 5

Casey Botticello
4 min readSep 7, 2019


Source: Escaping The 9 to 5

One of the greatest challenges that I’ve encountered as an entrepreneur is managing my work schedule so that I am always operating at peak efficiency. While it is nice to feel passionate about what I do, it is easy to slip into a routine consisting of long stretches of work punctuated by brief and irregular breaks. Consequently, while I am working hard, I am not working smart.

Optimizing productivity is not just a trendy concept. Each person only has a finite amount of time available for work. As a solo entrepreneur, saving time by working efficiently is critical to my success.

Below are five of the productivity tips that have improved my work flow and can be easily utilized by other entrepreneurs.

Five Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

  1. Schedule creative time. Researchers of the scientific journal, Thinking Skills and Creativity, investigated how time management affects creativity. In their 2009 study, they discovered that creativity correlates positively with regimented features like daily and long-range planning, time management, and perceived control of time. “Creative individuals who are able to manage their mental time have a much greater likelihood of meeting their creative goals,” the study…

