🚨 Responsive Branding, Typography, and #BLM Designers — Edition #13

Esc Design
ESC Design
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3 min readJan 31, 2022

Heeeellooooo! It’s Juno (again)

I hope you had a wonderful Sunday and are ready to chase your dreams this week.

Many people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies. But won’t panic to find a plan before their dreams die. –Elon Musk

🍔🍟 Branding

Yesterday, I watched this cool Branding Case Study, and I believe it will be very helpful to the current students since we are going to create our own magazine this week.

The only thing that makes me sad is that no one has chosen Eric — the sports bro — which is a little outdated since we have an enormous global sports market.

After you create your brand, you must protect it. This means you need to register a domain name and register in your country.

Having the brand rights for DOJO+ protected me several times, and I even had offers from companies to buy the brand.

🖥 📲 Responsiveness

The current project this week involves learning and implementing some important concepts relating to Responsive Design, and I always enjoy checking out the website Responsive Logos, which combines branding and responsive design in one.

✊🏿 Anti-Racist list

I love this design collective in Brazil called UX Para Minas Pretas (UX for Black Girls). If you think about 71% of our industry is made by White people. The need o balance our industry is really important to create a more equitable society and thus better products.

I’ve talked with some people and it’s sad how many people ignore this fact. Maybe this article can help people to open their minds and as I always recommend watch the documentary AmarElo — It’s All for Yesterday from Emicida.

The subject of typography will also be discussed this week and if you want to support Black Type Designers, here is a list of amazing typefaces that you can use.

🦹🏼 Incognito Mode

Most of you have been using the incognito mode to read Medium articles but this hack shared by RemĂ­ was pretty sick using Archive Today.

🚦 Two-way interview

This session: Land the right job: Interviewing THEM while they interview you. To show you how to do this, you’ll figure out ways to recognize the maturity levels of an organization.

🎨 Portfolio of the week

RĂ©mi Lavigne was in the previous cohort and used WordPress to create an incredible portfolio. Check it out!

This is the first step after you will need to dedicate yourself to applying for at least 100 jobs to start getting some traction.

I wanna build a panel about job hunting soon, if you are down for it please email/slack me.

See you next week.


