Esports live betting

esgs global summit
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2018

Live sports betting has been a thing in the traditional sports ⛷️ for over decades now. Originally introduced to prevent “match-fixing”, it became popular and now is successfully being used in esports 🎮, where it gained a great amount of popularity during the last years.

When compared to traditional betting, live betting offers much more profitable opportunities, because bettors are allowed to place a bet on the outcome of a match while it is being played. Thus, in order to make winning decisions, bettors require not only the overall knowledge of the game process but also an understanding of different solo and team strategies. On the other side, when the match just has passed its middle, and you are allowed to observe the live performance and the impact of the map, it’s much easier to make a good betting decision.

One of the most difficult sides of live esports betting is that instead of using the odds or reviews, bettors have to rely on their own expertise only. There is no time to get acquainted with player’s or team’s history, because a bettor is in the middle of the action, and the bet must be made right now.

In case you’ve got interested in live esports betting, we’d advise you to pick a game 👾 and a favorite player or a team. Thus, by viewing their live streams, you’ll learn a lot about strategies and possible outcomes. And it will a good idea to visit one or two esports summits, where you’ll have a chance to meet people from this sphere, and see it in action.

🤖 Follow Esgs to stay connected and know what esports will be presented on the biggest esports summit. Berlin, April 2019.

