19/20 season: Update & Goals

How we’re updating and improving

David Elliott
Lead Your Legacy
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2019


Dear Shepherds,

18/19 season has been fantastic! Thanks to the trust and support of our clients, we’ve helped nearly 150 people define and develop their purpose! We’ve taken part in 9 events, panels and podcasts and held our first event; ‘Legacy’, which was a buzzing success! It leaves the question, what does 19/20 season hold for Elliott Shepherds? Here are three exciting updates as a forecast for next year.

1. Events

‘Legacy’ was an overwhelming success thanks to our attendees and network of our friends and family. Being our first event, there was plenty to think about and much was learned. What’s been great is that people have been asking, “when’s the next one?” or “will you be doing another?” The answer to both is yes!

Legacy will take place again in July 2020! Thanks to our attendees, we’ve been inspired to repeat ‘Legacy’ and create a new event that will help people learn more about what drives their behaviour, success whilst exploring what holds them back. So far, we know that this event will happen in early 2020. We’re also planning on holding a special event for the Shepherds (clients) we’ve coached, so keep an eye out for that too!

2. Voskos

Our network is so valuable to us. The Shepherds who have been coached by us have come from a variety of fields; education, business, healthcare, HR, finance, engineering; with a wealth of experiences and achievements that have been great to observe. Graduations, new jobs, new businesses, new relationships and new careers; we’re genuinely honoured to be trusted and referenced in such important decisions. That’s why this year, we want to be of even more value to our clients by improving the Voskos element of our services. What does this entail?

Simply put, more coaching, more resources and more growth! Elements of Voskos will be paid, but without our the clients we’ve had already, we wouldn’t be in a position to offer more services and support. That’s why Voskos candidates will receive a great price for Voskos access and membership and join a growing network of diverse and purposeful leaders!


Life coaching is a lot like therapy (but not a substitute for it). Like therapy, certified and professional access to life coaches for people from minority groups is underwhelming at worst and unrepresentative of the cultural intelligence and nuances that affect a person’s growth. That’s why we’ve decided to specialise in our life and career coaching services for BAME individuals.

Our clients are diverse, as are their lifestyles and careers; which is why we will specialise in supporting the hopes and growth of those who represent the wonderful potential of differences. Something we believe our branding and platform will need to do better to represent and we’ve started from our branding, right down to our legacy. Which brings us to our final point…

In 2017 we set two goals to achieve by the end of 2020:

1) Help 200 people define and develop their purpose.
2) 20 appearances: workshops/seminars/podcasts/panels etc.

With just over a year; and thanks to our clients; to complete both our goals, we have only 57 people and 11 appearances left to reach our target! To add to that, we have limited free coaching sessions for new clients and we’re happy to make appearances on panels and platforms, or do workshops/seminars for free too! Our goal is simply to help our clients, partners and supporters lead their legacies, so if you’d like to receive life or career coaching, partner with us or would like us to participate in your panel, podcast or event then let us know by going to https://www.elliottshepherds.uk/booklegacy.html

Our media platforms will stay the same (Lead Your Legacy podcast — #LYLpodcast and ReaderShep blog) as we continue to become more consistent in providing value on our journey and approach our third year; with #Readershep having over 2000 views and #LYLpodcast having over 1000 listens!

The quote is, “nothing in this world can survive and remain useful without an update”, that includes us and our legacy. If we want to build and serve a network of purposeful and diverse leaders, with legacies that grow and survive, we need to be the example.



David Elliott
Lead Your Legacy

Teacher and Life Coach | Supporting people to define and develop their purpose and legacy🎙#LYLPodcast