Nothing > Something

Why doing “nothing” is sometimes better than doing something

David Elliott
Lead Your Legacy
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2021


As a life coach, I’m aware of the term ‘hustle’, as a teacher I’m aware of ‘hard-work’ and as a leader, I was aware of ‘deadlines’. However, sometimes I’ve realised that it’s better to do nothing than it is to do something; which ironically is still doing something. Here are three things to do whilst being “still”, to allows things to move.

1. Reflection

I’ve lost count of the of times when not making a big decision; when I was tired, or busy; has allowed me the space to reflect on what my options are. It’s definitely helped to rethink some of my decisions, with better understanding, compassion and empathy for those that may be impacted. Sometimes telling someone “we’ll see” and seemingly doing “nothing”, allows you the time and space to think about doing the right thing.

2. The “Ozil principle”

I’m an Arsenal fan, so having watched Ozil over the years, I’ve noticed that his vision means he is a master of knowing when to move and where to move; all with the hopes of serving others. Sometimes, not moving or doing anything, allows others to move around you so that you can assist them.

3. Proactive

Not everything needs a reaction; sometimes it takes someone to not do anything in that moment to calm things down, improve a situation or, remember your own priorities and focus on what really matters. It can be difficult in the heat of the moment, but learning to not do anything, can sometimes be proactive.



David Elliott
Lead Your Legacy

Teacher and Life Coach | Supporting people to define and develop their purpose and legacy🎙#LYLPodcast