More minimalism,less perfectionism

ESL Diary
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2017

Have you ever experienced such moments which enlighten you to embrace a value that you never ever think about it? For example, you suddenly stumble to that you are bisexual or homosexual when you are watching a movie related to it or even has nothing to do with it at all, and before that it’s totally the Arabian nights for you. However it couldn’t happen to me now. How about being a minimalist?

Ask a man on the street what exactly “minimalism” is, chances are that “ you must live with as less things as you can and get rid of what you unnecessarily need in your life mentally and materially.” it appears to be convincing enough . But I would rather consider it as a personal thing. In the very first place, such idea stroke me when I was a student in my high school that a bed, a table and a chair are all that I need and rightly so, which I firmly hold until my college. The very difference between high school and college is that academic study is not a subject so close to your heart as before when appearance management distracts your attention. Shopping takes the edge over studying given the increasing convenience and satisfaction of shopping and the growing flexibility of spare time and pocket money in college. Consequently, clothes are piled up in my cupboard, makeup heaped up in my dressing table, knick-knacks gathered up in my drawers… Albeit, never had I realized that over-shopping actually posed many issues on my life until when I decided to throw some totally useless items last month which accounted for nearly a half of all my stuff. They robbed my chances of doing something more valuable by taking up my time and money to shop what I don’t need at all and blind my eyes to tell what I exactly need. And in practice, It is what we throw that teach us to have a better understanding of our dislike and like, which helps you to be on the right track on the way of learning “who I am”, since it’s easier to choose what you dislike than what you like.

Not only is it a matter of your material stuff but also your mental things. Thanks to remarkable and swift progress in every field, now the world is rotating at a warp-speed. In such world, people have to race against time otherwise they will be kicked out of the game in which the rule is time. However, people always lose sight of the fact that no matter how they squeeze the sponge of time they only have 24 hours a day. As a Virgo, I am always plagued by my inability of completing all tasks in my limited time, I once only contribute it to my poor time management as well as my incapacity, which makes me more tired and less confident. Kindled by the lesson that I learned from throwing stuff, I tried to throw less important items on my to-do list. like planning only one or two the most important tasks a day and focusing on what you are doing. Since that, I feel like a bird flying in more spacious sky which means I can fly higher and farther.

From my perspective, I would rather say being minimalist actually is the opposite of being greedy. We are prone to get more and better, which is the drive of human progress, but overdoing only runs the counter of our original desires. For me, minimalism is the so-called panacea which can help me learn the essence of everything. Closing the friend circle of Wechat, one social communication platform, brings me so many benefits that I thought it would be a mixed blessing in the first place, like dis-contact with my friends, but it only turns out the high-quality communication with real friends and 100% attention on my study or work. Off the thoughts of buying more extra clothes saves me a lot of time and money to do more meaningful things, which I thought it would had a bad impact on my attraction, but I was wrong again.

I was born a perfectionist, now I am becoming a minimalist.

