My Google Chrome Tabs (Currently Open and Eating Up Memory)

E. S. Nurcan
Technopolitics and Asia
2 min readJun 25, 2022

I confess to one of the gravest and most common sins we all commit: I have too many tabs open on Google Chrome. Some tabs are purely there because of procrastination (I see a piece of interesting news, get an idea for an article, and then… nature takes over). But, most are what I consider online sources — news, articles, videos, and websites I’d like to visit later on but don’t trust my brain to remember them. If you think I should trust my brain more, please be aware this brain forgot that one time my passport had expired at the check-in of a flight purchased A YEAR AGO. Thus, I have major trust issues with my brain and hey, let those who are without sin cast the first stone in this modern age where tech is replacing grey matter.

Will I remember these links later? Maybe?

Here’s the list of my too many tabs:

And now having made this list public, maybe I will not forget my online resources (hopefully).



E. S. Nurcan
Technopolitics and Asia

A hungry learner for cybersec, tech, and everything political. Öğreniyorum ve yazıyorum, teknoloji, siyaset ve biraz da Asya üzerine.政治、技術、アジア国際関係等について書く。