Don’t Sell Me A Dream
(I Found The One)

Track 2


[A-Side — Heaven]

In 1997
I saw heaven
It was through the eyes of a girl I met in an episode of “F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
I found her hiding behind church doors, her eyes reverends
Hidden in the shadows like priests ready to relieve me of my sins
But what she instilled within me that day was the worst of sins
I’m talking hope, I’m talking desire
I’m speaking on many whims

She spoke a language that nobody in the world understood but me,
Hidden dialects and unspoken vowels I understood clearly.
Her heart lit up in the shadows that day,
As bright as a Phoenix, Jean Grey
A smile so bright that it even made Jesus disarray
On the stained glass across the church hallway.

Seeing her smile through the shadows I met happiness.
It hugged me, it concealed me, it introduced me
To a new me free from all the stress
We connected in a way that I never felt possible
And that helped me with what I was going through
So I thank you,
You made life feel beautiful…

She was my get-away and me her gateway
To a love we both knew we couldn’t throw away
It was our love and like a glove that fit us two perfectly,
It was meant for no one else but for me and her only.

“Throughout our time we did not speak
Not a single word,
We had a better understanding than speech”

[B-Side — Fagus]

She took both my hands and she showed me that with each
The world is but wet sand laid upon the shores of a beach
Waiting for these hands to grow out and reach
Into earth’s sands and mould each grain into a beech
A Fagus tree, sprouting out many leaves
Photosynthesis of my legacy

My elf ears made her smile and she thought they were cool
See, she was weird and I was weird like that too
And together we began a coo
To wander the world seeing it only as new
Beautiful and fresh so that we wouldn’t rue
All the little things and with that our love grew
Not just for me and her but for everything around us too

See, we saw in each other an innate sense of beauty
She had always wandered the world so lonely
How could anyone not want to be with someone so heavenly?
I was the only one who could see that all she wanted was company

And I gave that to her…

Everyone else had always ignored her,
Drifted around her until I noticed and found her!
She was meant for me and me for her,
It was then that I understood and saw everything.
I was to be hers and her my everything!

From that point on I knew what was meant to happen in life
As crystally clear as the Bora Bora seas, she was to be my wife!
All of a sudden I could see the future
I could see the things we would do when we would get older
I could see the marble tile floors and the cream couch with me holding her
I could see the light from the TV beaming off the floor
And all their voices echoing off, happiness filling me up more
I could hear MY CHILDREN…no more than four
And that was what kept me going on hoping for more

They were my therapy…
So young yet I had figured out what was meant for me
I had already known what I was destined to be
Not realising it was Pandora’s Box just opening
And the rest of my life would be spent looking for her and her only
Like, absolutely no one else!
She was light skinned, dark skinned and her hazelnut fro curly

It’s tiring you know…

We met again when she was around seventeen
A house warming with friends, I was nineteen
All this time left in-between,
Had me wondering where you had been?
Because I had looked everywhere for you
I searched Limbo and I found the map that you drew
Of everything that would help me get back to you
I followed every direction like my life depended on it and you…

You didn’t even recognise me,
You looked at my face as if you were meeting it for the first time
I walked around that house looking like I was crying
Because I never thought that possible
Because all my life, I had been dreaming of you!
Only you…

Like I really can’t dream of anything else
I’ve tried, it’s like when your parents beat you with their belts
You won’t ever forget,
You I could never forget
My ears came out as an elf again
And you smiled…
But you couldn’t remember anything else
And you still couldn’t recognise me,
Look how they stand for you!
I dreamed everything that I could of you every day!
Trying my best to remember your beautiful face
I remembered you without a face..

Did I not occupy that same space in your mind?
Did I not leave you with a single trace
Because I dreamed of you every day
Did you not even dream of me?

“And throughout our time we did not speak
Not a single word,
We had a better understanding than speech”

[C-Side — Dream]

I was six when I first met her…

And already I had known it was that moment
It’s in every romance novel and RomCom with Hugh Grant
And by six years old I had figured it out
That I had found “The One” without a shadow of a doubt
Hidden in the shadows of a church and I shouldn’t have let her out!

I shouldn’t have…

The human brain can’t make up faces
So all those in my dreams were of real faces
It’s hard to believe that I saw what your real face is
Saw your beautiful smile and felt its warm embraces
Probably walked right past you just a few paces
And did not even realise whose face it is
My brain will notice you but I [eye] won’t place it!
My brain noticed you but eye can’t place it!
My brain noticed you…eye just can’t place it

That kills me more and I struggle every day to face it
It secretes my aqueous’s
I walked right past you and I didn’t even know whose face it is
The same face in my dreams, maybe I’m becoming complacent
With your features that are extraneous,

So please don’t!
Don’t you ever sell me a dream!
Thy shall never have to go through so much pain!

“Throughout our time we did not speak
Not a single word,
We had a better understanding than speech”

Maybe if we could have, you would have told me:

“It was all a dream,
It was all just dream…

And I sold it to myself.



Efosa S. Omorogbe
EsO x Kace Present: When Fish Ride Bicycles [Album]

A frontend & user experience developer committed to making the world a happier place.