5 top Giving Trends for Charities in 2019

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2 min readMar 29, 2019

When it comes to charity giving, understanding the latest giving trends can give you an advantage. Knowing what the next big thing might be or adjusting your methods to how people are acting can help you leverage your cause, create more impact and get more funds.

Here are five of 2019’s biggest giving trends you need to know:

1. Time to Focus on Generation Z

After many years of focusing on Millennials, it is now time to start analyzing the next generation coming to the workforce. Generation Z or iGen, those born after 1996, are now graduating and starting to work.

Charities should start understanding how to better communicate and appeal to them, as this is the first generation that grew up online with a vast amount of information at their disposal. They spend a lot of time on their phones and this is also the way they prefer to carry out all their online activity. Charities should take this into consideration and provide simple and concise information to grab their attention with strong visuals like photos or videos that resemble their favorite apps and websites.

According to the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report, Gen Z members prefer to support causes related to youth or animals and human services and are also quite passionate about volunteering.

You can read more and learn all charities trends at eSolidar Blog: http://blog.esolidar.com/en/5-top-giving-trends-for-charities/

