April 2020: New Moon in Taurus

A time for abundant co-creation

Jillian Bergsten
5 min readApr 22, 2020


Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

It’s new moon time once again, beautiful beings, and we are still feeling the collective pain of how the individual fits into or is at odds with society. It is intensifying: the call to deconstruct the old, the desire to focus on a philosophy of healing and feeling, and the urge to rebuild the world in a new and softer image. It’s a good thing this is the season of the bull.

Time is an illusion and this earthy goddess knows it.

After incubating in the dreamland of Pisces, Aries jumps forward with new ideas, activating the call, the love, the energy, and the magic held in the individual. Now Taurus can focus and mold that energy into and onto the material plane. As an archetype Taurus is about slowing down, concentrating, and taking the time and care to build whatever dream has been initiated.

Taurus knows how to manifest. It is her nature to birth things into the world. What longings and knowings have you been cultivating? Ask yourself now, under this New Moon, what action steps you can start to take to cultivate those dreams and bring them into reality. The bull is slow and steady so ask for, and take, baby steps. No one is less hurried than Taurus. Time is an illusion and this earthy goddess knows it. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and slowly to build your dream, one brick at a time.

Now is the time to ground into your body, into your feelings, and into the heart of your being...

Taurus is also an emblem of luxury and opulence since she is so tied to our experience of the physical world and the sensual nature of being. What do opulence and sensuality look like for you? Is it the taste of delicious food, the smell of luscious fragrances, the feel of delicate fabrics against your skin? Maybe it’s bubble baths, dark chocolate, and wine. Maybe it’s sleeping until noon, listening to the birds outside your window, or dancing naked in the shower. Whatever sensual pleasure looks like for you, now is the time to indulge. Now is the time to ground into your body, into your feelings, and into the heart of your being so that you can be supported as you begin to bring your visions into the world.

This new moon is taking place at 3 degrees of Taurus. Find out the degrees in your chart and take a look to find out if this New Moon is connecting strongly with your energy. Allow yourself a two degree orb, meaning that if you have any planets within 1–5 degrees of Taurus then you will be feeling this new moon energy quite strongly, and it may feel quite integrative or supportive. There may be aha moments or soft and sultry downloads. This may also be the case if you have anything in 1–5 degrees of Virgo or Capricorn (as this will create a helpful trine relationship).

There is beauty in a helping hand and there is also beauty in meeting an obstacle to be surmounted, so if you have anything in a 1–5 degree range in Scorpio then you will be feeling an opposition to the combined lunar and solar energy — this may pull up some conflicting feelings. Feel the feels to alchemize them. And finally, if you have anything in 1–5 degrees of Aquarius or Leo then your energy will be in a square relationship with this New Moon and you may be experiencing some inner friction; it is surfacing to be looked at and processed. All of it is a part of the beauty of being. We all move through cycles of opposition and integration, of sorrow and joy. Be with yourself on this journey.

This new moon is also conjunct Uranus in Taurus which means that you may be receiving some downloads that seem pretty out there or radical but know that your soul is evolving and you are moving away from what doesn’t serve and into your highest frequency. Uranus is all about being a rebel and an outcast and it’s the genius of this planet that provokes us to think outside the box, outside the system, and bring our new world into being.

Grab your journal and get curious about your own discomfort. What guidance are you receiving?

How do you feel about it? Why do you feel that way?

If you find yourself struggling with some inner conflicts (and possibly outer conflicts — as so within, so without) then call to the energies of Uranus and ask for a novel solution. Ask for a new vantage point or a new perspective. Ask for a solution that is radically soft and gentle (remember that we are in Taurus and the bull won’t do anything until it feels comfortable, safe, and ready to act). You are in charge of your experience. You can always ask for things to be slowed down, for creative solutions, or for help and guidance when you receive a message that you don’t fully understand.

Guidance may come as a feeling in your gut, a subject of conversation or a suggestion that comes up again and again; it may be a whisper in your mind or a sudden knowing in your heart. If you are ever unsure of the guidance that you’re receiving then simply take some time to be alone, centre yourself with a few calming cycles of breath, and then ask your guides or your higher self — either out loud or in your head — for the clarification needed. Trust the first answer that you hear or feel.

If you don’t like the answer then open a dialogue with yourself. Grab your journal and get curious about your own discomfort. What guidance are you receiving? How do you feel about it? Why do you feel that way? You may be downloading information that is several steps ahead of where you are in the 3D realm and that’s okay. If you’re ready then great, and if you’re not ready then exercise your power to say “I’m not ready” or “I need this process to slow down because I’m overwhelmed” or even “I need more help and confidence before I can take that step.” You are co-creating with the universe so let it know what you need here on the physical plane to properly support you in your process of manifesting and becoming.

Lastly, allow yourself to look at your relationship to abundance. How do you feel, especially during these times, about money and material goods? About consumerism and wealth? Be honest. Share with a friend. Evaluate your relationship to the sacred energy of reciprocity, for that is fundamentally what money is all about. How do you value your time? Your energy? Yourself? How can you co-create a world where you honor the magic that is your gifts and yourself? How can you bring all that you dream of into the physical world?

This is the time, sweet beauties, to allow whatever is surfacing and downloading to move you into a frequency of more abundance, more radiance, more opulence, and a slower and steadier appreciation of yourself and the world around you. You are worth having it all.



