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May 2020: New Moon in Gemini

Playing with the many narratives of the Multiverse

Jillian Bergsten
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2020


Good morning and good moon, sweet beauties. As of the morning of May 22, 2020, we will be working in tandem with a New Moon at two degrees Gemini. What, you may ask, could this mean for you? Well, Gemini is the sign of the twins and these twins are utterly infatuated with the realm of information and ideas. They traipse about in constant search of the new and the exciting — whether that’s a fresh perspective, an interesting fact, a charming notion, or a new narrative. They have endless energy to volley ideas back and forth and they never tire of witty banter. Curious conversations light them up and they never want a rigid answer to kill an unfurling masterpiece of ideological discovery. This is the twins in their highest expression.

They are the embodiment of boundless curiosity. The pitfalls they experience are burnout from constantly being on the go, overwhelm from starting too many things at once, overwhelm from communicating or learning too much in one sitting, and a seemingly fickle nature as their attention doesn’t stay with any particular whim for very long. This, of course, is ultimately Gemini’s strength as they need to flit from thing to thing and not get too bogged down otherwise they lose their lustre, shine, and excitement.

Now with this Gemini download under your belt, let’s chat about the tapestry unfolding in the sky during this May 2020 new moon.

The Sun and Moon are conjunct (next to each other in the sky) at two degrees of Gemini so our sense of identity — the sun — and our emotional realm — the moon — will be receiving an influx of Geminian energy. This will give us a chance to inquire, communicate, discover, and grow ever more curious about the stories we’ve crafted around our identities and emotions.

This energy is infused with a surrendering aspect thanks to Mars in Pisces forming a loose square with the Sun and Moon. We can’t surrender what we refuse to acknowledge and we can’t go with the flow when we block our own innate curiosity around who we are, how we shine, how we feel, and what we need. Stay open and go with flow! You are supported.

You’re being guided to grow and mature and move toward the stories that support your own process of individuation and personal expression.

There is also a pretty tight trine happening between Saturn in Aquarius (Saturn is retrograde — which just means its expression is more inward than outward) and the Sun and Moon, providing even more support and stability in this exploration of personal narratives.

You’re being guided to grow and mature and move toward the stories that support your own process of individuation and personal expression. Remain open to the possibilities and use this time to try out new stories. Stay true to what feels correct for you. A feeling of correctness is often experienced as a softness in your body, or a quality of expansion and brightness that you can feel from the inside out.

Incorrect stories will feel tight, restrictive, uncomfortable, and possibly even scary when you really tune into them. Listen with deep curiosity as you learn about which stories serve you and which do not. Judgement has no place at this table but discernment is the guest of honour. Wherever you are in your process, live and love it all because your process is your life.

There are a few other important things happening in the sky but I want to mention that the new moon energy will feel the strongest for those of you who have luminaries (Sun or Moon) or inner planets (Venus, Mars, and Mercury) in either Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces, that are around the two degree mark (anything from zero degrees to four degrees in any of those signs).

It may feel like constructive energy or it may feel challenging and oppositional, but all of it is beneficial. We can often become mired in the perception that if it doesn’t feel ‘good’ then it’s ‘bad’. Remember that this is just a story and the entirety of your life is amazing and beautiful and worth being seen, felt, and experienced in its fullness. Something that feels correct may not feel ‘good’ right now. Stay true to your intuition. The twins rule stories and they’re here to usher in a new set of stories for you to play with.

You may also experience some strong energy if you have anything in the aforementioned signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces) around the twenty degree mark (anything from eighteen degrees to twenty-two degrees) as Mercury and Venus (who is currently retrograde as well) are conjunct at twenty degrees of Gemini and they are in a direct square with Neptune in Pisces. This is opening a potent portal for self-exploration and the discovery of new narratives around love, sex, money, self-worth, gifts, values, communicating, thinking, sharing, and receiving. With that Neptunian influence you are being supported in honing in on where you are leaking energy in these realms. Once you find a leak it’s much easier to patch the hole or to let go of the block or narrative that is no longer serving you.

Lean into the process!

This Gemini season will continue to bring changes in both your inner and outer world. Welcome the influx of information, stories, opinions, and messages because it’s all for your benefit. The Multiverse is presenting you with multiple timelines and stories. Use the inward focusing power from all the retrograde planets (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) to spend more time journaling, meditating, or contemplating your current stories. Are you working with narratives that are really yours? Do they feel correct? What other options are available to you? Look beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and feel into the timelines and narratives that will serve the best version of yourself. You know best. You always have. Trust yourself.

One last note: if you feel spacey, anxious, too “in your head” or you start to experience insomnia, this could be due to the extra dose of air energy we’re receiving during this Gemini season. Continue to cultivate your favourite embodiment practices to help you ground into your body. This will also help you to feel which stories are correct for you and which ones are ready to be released.

Much love,



