The Future of Beauty — Technologies to Get Inspired

Maria Silantyeva
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2019

Natural beauty or beauty gadgets?…What about both?

CES 2019 helps to become aware of the latest revolutionary technologies in the beauty sphere. Gadgets, apps and various devices presented on the show are invented to make us more attractive and get us closer to the standards of beauty. At the same time, many innovations solve health problems and enhance consumers’ life. This article will present 3 cutting-edge products from CES 2019, which may lead the future of innovations in this industry.

  1. Opté Precision Skincare System by P&G

Have you ever dreamed of real-life Photoshop retouching feature? P&G experts have obviously been thinking about it and eventually invented this super device. Opté Precision Skincare System could make your face look perfect: it covers hyperpigmentation and reduces its appearance at the same time. The device scans your skin with a camera taking 200 images per second. Then, using 120 nozzles, a microprinter deposits serum only where it is needed and with the color that suits you. The serum not only covers, but also lightens existing hyperpigmentation. All of these create unnaturally natural skin.

2. New Tools of YouCam Makeup App by Perfect Corp.

YouCam Mekeup has been on the market for some time, providing users an opportunity to change how they look and experiment with the makeup. Now the app goes further and starts using artificial intelligence and augmented reality to create a unique shopping experience and provide personalized recommendations. It can recommend foundation, makeup and hair products based on your type of skin and personal preferences. You can try on different makeup products right from your couch and order them within the app. If it works as effectively as it sounds — the app will become even more popular and change the shopping experience of many people.

3. L’Oréal’s UV Sense

What are you thinking about when you see this tiny fingernail device? A new trend in manicure? Gadget tracking your nails’ health?

No and no. It doesn’t have anything to do with your fingers. It’s a new device designed by L’Oréal to track individual ultraviolet exposure levels. UV Sense is a battery-free gadget, which includes an NFC antenna, a temperature sensor, and a UV sensor. It’s so tiny that fits perfectly on your fingernail. The device is connected to the app that shows your exposure levels and provides tips for managing sun intake. You’re now saved from a sunburn!

As you can see, beauty now goes hand in hand with the latest technologies. You just need a bit of imagination to combine A+B and find new innovation in the sphere!

But in the pursuit of beauty, don’t forget that it’s not only about how you look. As Sophia Loren once said:

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.



Maria Silantyeva

Business student with marketing and PR experience. CEMS 2020.