Twitch’s new look: Twitch redesign, new UI, new UX

Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2019

If you haven’t noticed yet…

Today Twitch launched the redesign of their platform.

Same good old content (just don’t browse the IRL section if you care about your sanity), with a fresh and definitely more YouTube-gaming look.

Here’s what it looks like when you’re not logged in:

and this is what YouTube gaming looks like:

Here are a few things to notice

  • The sidebars, collapsible and all that, look so similar that I thought for a second Twitch had redirected me to YouTube, if it wasn’t for the logo.
  • The font has been changed too, it’s not the one that was there before yesterday — you can check the source code of the site, it’s a new font called “Roobert”
  • There’s definitely less empty space and the whole look is more tight
  • They’ve also animated the logo, it’s more alive now with a slight animation and a blink. Cute.
new logo animates when you hover it with your mouse
  • Most user interface icons have been changed: redesigned and tweaked to look more slim. This feels exactly right as the whole site looks lighter on the eye from a linear perspective.
  • The channel navigation bar has been moved — it’s been centered on the new UI
  • The chat, the true life and primordial juice of Twitch, also was redesigned. They shuffled the options around a little bit. The emotes however have been preserved.
  • The call to action to get you to sign-up to Twitch is extremely more visibile:
Much cleaner, nice!

When Twitch launched the redesign a few hours ago they’ve also splashed advertising around.

According to Twitch itself, these are actual ads on the side of the street

In conclusion:

Losing Ninja might have caused Mixer to be noticed more, but one thing is sure: Twitch has been working on this redesign months and months ago — getting and onboarding gamers onto the Twitch platform is a never-ending journey. Amazon needs to sell more gadgets to gamers!

There’s one thing Twitch hasn’t redesigned and I can’t believe it myself.

In fact if I were in the Twitch sales team I would be pretty mad about it:
Take a look at the page to promote advertising on the Twitch platform

It still looks untouched, it’s been like this for years now. OMEGALUL




I write about my own experiences doing fun stuff like: programming, startups, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 and online communities 😻