Entrepreneurs Are Born Not Made

A Long Standing Debate


I would like to share my thoughts with you.

The term entrepreneur, I feel, is a personality type, present in everything we do. It’s how we view the world, make decisions, and why we sometimes shoot from the hip and take chances that make businessmen and women shudder.

I’ve always been a leader, whether I chose to lead or not. My business decisions were considered intelligent but unusual, leaving local business owners to question my sanity.

I was respected but didn’t have a tribe, I loved interacting with people, but usually traveled alone. Questioning everything. Bending the rules when necessary. Insatiably curious, creative, visionary, and usually, ahead of the curve, I am an entrepreneur but other business owners called me a Maverick.

The Characteristics of an Entrepreneur, Merriam-Webster

You might well wonder whether an entrepreneur means “a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money” or whether it carries an additional connotation of far-nearsightedness and innovation.

Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash

During a conversation with my coffee roaster, Curt asked me how I handled laptop use in my small shop. I said, “Curt, I handled it by banning them.” On the other side of the line, there was dead silence.

I thought the connection dropped. “Curt, are you there? I asked.” “Yes, yes, I’m here, I’m just stunned.” He told me he had over 150 coffee shop customers, and every one wanted to do the same thing but were terrified they would anger their customers and lose business.

Entrepreneurs, weigh the pros and cons of a decision but are never terrified about a decision once it’s made.

Gary Vaynerchuk:

Because the fact is this: entrepreneurs are born, not made. Of course, anyone can maximize any skill-set, but it doesn’t necessarily make them successful at it.

Here are the significant traits of an entrepreneur:

  1. Forward-thinking, visionary, impatient
  2. Passionate, enthusiastic about work they love
  3. Opinionated, ready, and willing to take a stand for how they perceive things should be done.
  4. Confident leader, fostering trust
  5. Resourceful, able to put everything together on the fly
  6. Positive, on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship
  7. Hardworking
  8. Independent

I think some aspects of entrepreneurship can be taught, but an entrepreneur is born not made.

I welcome your thoughts.




Lulu deCarron
Lulu deCarron

Written by Lulu deCarron

Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and a MultiPassionate Creative. As an autodidact, I am a student for life ✍️, ☕️