The Adonis From Amsterdam

Careful Where You Point Those Binoculars

Lulu deCarron
Espresso Shot
4 min readAug 29, 2020


Photo by David T on Unsplash

Alan called and asked me if I’d like to accompany him to Europe for the summer. A professor at FIT, he had the whole summer off, and even though we were at the end of our three year on and off relationship, we were still friends.

I hesitated, thinking, that’s a long time to leave my daughter. He picked up on my hesitation. “I understand that’s a long time away, but you can travel with me for five weeks. We’ll sail the Sporades for two weeks then go to Italy, you can fly home from there.” My eyes lit up. “OK, that’s doable, I’d love it.”

I adore my daughter, but single motherhood can be mentally exhausting. Some R&R was desperately needed. I was ready for a trip, and this would be my first trip to Europe.

We flew out of JFK to Athens, then took a small plane to Skiathos. I would not recommend flying in a small aircraft where the pilot keeps looking at his maps. “Alan, are you sure he knows the flight path to Skiathos?” I grabbed his hand so tight during the flight when we arrived, he had to shake it to resume blood circulation to his fingers.

There we met up with our friends Nick and Suzanne, and the Flotilla Captain, John Gull Murry. Our boat awaited, a beautiful 36' French Beneteau. Six sailboats in the flotilla, ours, and five others sailed by Brits. They were a great mix of people, playful and funny. Every day was a beautiful new experience.

On a windy but glorious day, we were part of a race. Alan and Nick were skilled sailors, which surprised me because they were both 60’s New Yorker’s. I love the water and sailing, so I was like a kid in a candy store. And to make this adventure even better we won the race. That evening all of us met for dinner. Later that night, I heard the Brits running toward our boat, yelling, “let’s go have American coffee with the Yanks.” We sat together and shared stories well into the night.

Alan asked if we’d like to sail out to a small island noted for its great food, crystalline water, and a beach where we could tie up to a floating dock. I said, “Alan, that’s no- brainer.”

Photo by Little John on Unsplash

While sailing there, I noticed Dolphins swimming along with the boat. I was overwhelmed by their grace and beauty. I kept calling out to Alan, Nick, Suzanne, look at them, incredible, how lucky we are to see this.”

When we arrived, Alan and Suzanne and Nick went for a swim; I chose to sun on the deck. I learned that many women in Europe sun topless, so I decided to take off my bikini top and laid on the deck in the sun. About an hour later, my limit for idling in the sun, I noticed Alan left his binoculars out, I began to scan the beach.

Moving the binoculars from one side to the other, I stopped scanning when I saw a vision lying naked on a large beach mat. I stared, glad he couldn’t see me.

A while late I decided to go below out of the sun and read. Alan came back to the boat a short time later. He stayed on deck, relaxing. Suddenly, the quiet was punctuated with a conversation. Who could Alan be talking to, we’ve anchored out a distance from the beach?

“Lu, would you come on deck? There’s someone here to see you.” See me, my face scrunched in surprise. I walked up the three stairs to the deck.

It was my Greek Adonis, from the beach climbing up the stairs outside the boat. His genitalia level with my eyes. All I could think of is, look at his face, look up, look up.

He climbed into the boat with grace and elegance as if this was something he did everyday. I wanted to ask him if he’d like to pull his pedestal on board too. No Greek or Roman statue had anything on this guy.

Alan asked him if he’d like to sit while he went to grab a drink from the cooler. Alan kept looking at me with a facial expression that indicated what he was thinking, “What the hell?” My expression was more like Sylvester with a canary in his mouth, sporting an idiotic smile.

I tried to sound blaze and worldly, I wasn’t. My voice up an octave, “so, tell me about yourself.” Trying desperately to keep my eyes above his waist. He was so comfortable and completely relaxed. I noticed there wasn’t one part of him that wasn’t perfection, and to make matters worse, his body was perfectly golden, bronzed by the sun. All of him was pure eye candy.

He told me he was from Amsterdam, traveling through Europe for the summer. We talked for a while; then, he said he had to leave to meet friends for dinner. We hugged, then he jumped off the boat and swam to shore like a porpoise.

Alan turned toward me but didn’t say a word. I smiled, trying to feign innocence, I didn’t feel.

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Lulu deCarron
Espresso Shot

Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and a MultiPassionate Creative. As an autodidact, I am a student for life ✍️, ☕️