Esprezzo Community Update -Feb 2019

Introducing Perkle (PRKL) Blockchain and PerkleBot for Discord

3 min readFeb 5, 2019


Dear community,

It’s hard to believe we’re already a month into 2019! We’ve been heads down working on product, and are excited to share a few updates with you.

While working on the Esprezzo platform and rapid application development tools for building blockchain-integrated apps, we saw an opportunity to provide developers a performant, cost-efficient, egalitarian blockchain and smart contract platform to build and test on — one that’s less congested and focused on fostering development rather than a speculative trading instrument. And so, we built Perkle: a mineable Proof-of-Work, fairly released Ethereum-compatible blockchain and smart contract platform.

Perkle is a fork of Go Ethereum which will make life easier for developers by providing a seamless transition of code and libraries developed on Perkle to the Ethereum Mainnet or any other Ethereum-compatible network. Mining generates PRKL, which can be used to pay gas fees for transactions and smart contract initialization.

Adding Perkle to the Esprezzo ecosystem means we can provide a complete solution for developers and businesses getting started with building blockchain-integrated apps.

The Esprezzo Ecosystem

Our API and SDKs will provide developers the ability to integrate data and functionality from Perkle (and in the future, other Esprezzo-supported blockchains) with other applications.

Update: to view activity on the network or check your PRKL balance, check out the official block explorer.

If you’re interested in mining Perkle, check out the official Esprezzo mining pool.

PerkleBot for Discord

We’re excited to showcase some of the first technology built using Esprezzo’s toolkit with PerkleBot for Discord. PerkleBot is a blockchain intelligence bot that not only helps answer frequently asked questions, but can also perform blockchain-related activities. For example, PerkleBot can query network stats, check wallet balances, or even create a Perkle wallet and send PRKL to other users. At the time of publishing, here is what you can view and do using PerkleBot in Discord:

Screenshot of PerkleBot’s current capabilities

Here’s an example of the network stats PerkleBot returns:

On that note, please join us on Discord! We welcome people interested in blockchain development to join our community.

Up Next

We’ll be launching a block explorer soon, which will make it easy to explore transactions and activity on Perkle and, in the future, other Esprezzo-supported blockchains. We’re building and testing the Esprezzo platform and tools using Perkle, and are also looking forward to opening access to the Esprezzo developer beta in the coming weeks. Make sure to subscribe to email updates for first access to apply to the beta program!

About Esprezzo

Esprezzo’s mobile and web development platform & tools empower developers and organizations to quickly build smarter, faster blockchain-integrated apps and grow their next gen businesses. We help clients and developers understand where, when, and what data makes sense to store in a decentralized manner. Through education and user-friendly tools, we aim to make integrating blockchain technology into new or existing business applications accessible without needing to hire a new team of blockchain developers or seasoned infrastructure engineers to manage decentralized servers.

To learn more, visit the Esprezzo website and sign up for email updates. Make sure to join our email list if you’re interested in applying for the closed developer beta program!

You can also find us on Discord, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn and GitHub.




Esprezzo is building tools that make it easy for people to get and act on blockchain & smart contract data. Learn more at