How to Use Perkle with MyEtherWallet

Igor Baldyga
Published in
6 min readFeb 22, 2019

In recent weeks, we have received many requests for help setting up a Perkle (PRKL) wallet using MyEtherWallet (MEW). It is a great addition to the Command Line wallet and the Perkle wallet for Discord that you can use via our PerkleBot.

MEW is a staple veteran of the crypto world and has a stellar reputation among users. It boasts an easy-to-navigate, pleasant interface and is a great choice for those dipping their toes in blockchain and cryptocurrency for the first time.

For your convenience, we have put together this step-by-step guide for creating a PRKL wallet, checking a balance, and sending transactions using MyEtherWallet. Hope you enjoy it.

Connecting to the Perkle Blockchain

To begin, go to MyEtherWallet (I like the vintage version since I have been using it for years now). It’s a best practice to make sure that you see the correct URL in your browser — — as well as the lock and “MyEtherWallet Inc” as shown in the screenshot below, to make sure you are not on a phishing site. If you are not familiar with MEW or are new to blockchain technology, we highly recommend clicking on “MyEther Wallet is not a Bank” to learn more. They do a great job of walking you through what MEW is, how to keep your wallet secure, and even some blockchain basics.

Before we can create a wallet, we need to add a custom node. Select “Add Custom Network/Node” from the dropdown menu in the upper right corner:

To set up the node, enter information exactly as shown in the screenshot below. Don’t forget to check the “Supports EIP-155” box and enter 667 for the “Chain ID”; otherwise you’ll get transaction errors even though the node will connect.

Press the “Save & Use Custom Node” button. You should see that “Network perklepub:cus (Custom)” is selected in the upper right dropdown.

How to Create a Wallet

Now that you are connected to the Perkle blockchain, you are ready to create a wallet to store your PRKL. Begin by entering a strong password, it has to be nine characters in length at a minimum. We recommend using a password creation service such as 1Password to create and store strong passwords. Remember that MEW will not store or recover your password if you forget it. Once you’ve entered your password and saved it somewhere, click “Create New Wallet”.

On the next page, make sure to Download your wallet keystore file. The name of the file will be a long string of numbers and letters, starting with UTC — 20xx- followed by the rest of the date on which you create your wallet. Make sure to save the file somewhere safe and back it up offline. You will need this file to recover or restore your wallet.

After saving the keystore file, click on “I understand. Continue.”

The following page will display your private key. The private key can unlock your wallet if you forget your password. If you lose access to your private key, you lose access to your wallet and any coins stored in it. Never share your private key with anyone. You should save your private key in a safe location, and back it up on an offline device.

You can easily print a paper version of your wallet by clicking the “Print Paper Wallet” button.

Save the printed sheet in a safe location, never store the image on your device.

Afterward, click “Save Your Address” to continue.

You will need to unlock your wallet using the keystore (the file starting with UTC) and your password.

The “Account Address” is your public key (always starts with 0x) and it acts just like a bank account number. This is where you can receive and send Perkle coins to and from, and is the only thing you should share to receive funds. Never share your password, keystore or private key, others don’t need to know it to send you funds; all they need to know is your public address. Please note that your Perkle balance is currently displayed under CUSTOM_ETH (Perkle is a fork of Ethereum).

How to Check PRKL Balance

To quickly check the balance on any address:

  1. Go to the “Send Ether & Tokens” tab and select “View w/Address Only”.
  2. Enter the address (public key) you want to check the balance of in the field on the right.

How to Send PRKL

To Send PRKL to another address:

  1. Go to the “Send Ether & Tokens” tab, and unlock your wallet using your password and keystore file.

2. Enter the address that you are sending the funds to in the “To Address” field.

3. Enter the amount of PRKL you want to send in the “Amount To Send” field. The “Gas Limit” will populate automatically.

4. Click “Generate Transaction”

5. Click “Send Transaction”.

6. On the next screen, double check and confirm your transaction one more time.

Make sure that the address and amount you are sending PRKL to are correct. You will not be able to further edit or reverse the transaction pass this point.

7. Select “Yes, I am sure! Make the transaction” to broadcast the transaction onto the network.

After the transaction is successfully broadcasted to the network, a green bar confirming the action will appear on the bottom of the page. The bar contains the TX Hash, a unique id number assigned to each transaction on the blockchain. In the future, you will be able to view the transaction details for each TX Hash using our Esprezzo blockchain explorer.

Transaction success: the TX Hash is underlined

We hope you find this guide useful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to join our Discord server and hit us up in the #support channel!

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Igor Baldyga

Fan of technology and all things blockchain. Helping Leaders bring their vision to life. Blockchain Strategist at