Thriving in the Hustle: Holistic Wellness Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Jerome Knyszewski
8 min readJan 11, 2024

In the fast-paced realm of entrepreneurship, where each day unfolds as a series of challenges and triumphs, the well-being of entrepreneurs often finds itself amid the hustle and bustle. As a dedicated entrepreneur with a full agenda of deadlines and commitments, it’s easy to overlook the integral role that health and wellness play in sustaining your journey towards success.

This post is a roadmap for those navigating the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, providing actionable insights as well…

Thalia-Maria Tourikis
Founder at

The way I manage to stay healthy while running a business is to keep my
wellness routine simple. I don’t buy into the overly long and complicated
self-care routines or all-day events and retreats.

I deeply believe you can mentally support your well-being without
sacrificing productivity by incorporating small and attainable moments of
self-care throughout the day.

This for me looks like this:

• Reading for 20 minutes in the morning to mentally prepare me for the day.
• Practicing gratitude for 5 minutes to keep me grounded
• Muting my notifications so I have no distractions throughout the day
• Taking a short pause in between tasks or Zoom calls to regroup and
recharge before moving on to the next
• Having a shutdown routine that helps switch my mind from work to rest mode
• Going for a walk at the end of the day to reset and mentally prepare for

Adjoa Smalls-Mantey
Board-certified psychiatrist in New York Presbyterian — Columbia University Hospital — Columbia University, Bellevue Hospital

I’m a board-certified psychiatrist in NYC, certified lifestyle medicine
physician, and immunologist. I have served on many workplace wellness
committees and given talks on the subject. I have experience writing and
serving as a media consultant in print, on air, and on podcasts. I’m happy
to provide comments for your article about Wellness tips for busy
professionals to appear in Wellnessvoice.

Some tips are to exercise in the morning, meal prep, sleep when tired,
build in one self-enjoyment activity for yourself a day or during a time
period, give yourself a day off.

Richmond Harris
World of Blenders

As the founder of World of Blenders, I am a passionate advocate for healthy

Balancing work and health as a busy entrepreneur is a constant hustle.
First, schedule exercise like a meeting, be it morning yoga or a lunchtime
walk, it’s a must. Keep healthy snacks at hand for quick energy boosts and
avoid the junk food trap. Sleep matters — aim for a consistent sleep
schedule to stay sharp. Prioritize tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix -
urgent vs. important. Delegate or outsource where possible. Don’t be afraid
to say no; overcommitment can be detrimental. Use tech for time management - apps, calendars, and reminders are your friends. Take short breaks to recharge during the day. And, practice mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress. It’s a juggle, but doable with some discipline.

Steven Fiore
Founder of Cannabis MD Telemed

I wanted to reach out to offer my insights on your questions. Here’s my

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a busy entrepreneur is undoubtedly
challenging, but it’s crucial for long-term well-being and sustained
productivity. Here are some practical tips to integrate health and wellness
into a hectic entrepreneurial schedule:

1.Prioritize and Schedule: Treat your health as a non-negotiable priority.
Schedule regular exercise sessions just like any other business meeting or
commitment. Allocate time for meal preparation or choose healthier meal
options, avoiding reliance on fast food or unhealthy snacks during busy

2.Efficient Workouts: Opt for time-efficient workouts that can be integrated into your schedule. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or shorter, focused workouts can be effective in saving time while providing health benefits. Consider incorporating physical activity into your work routine, such as walking meetings or quick stretching breaks.

3.Mindful Nutrition: Plan your meals ahead of time and focus on a well-balanced diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Keep healthy snacks readily available to avoid
making poor dietary choices when time is limited.

4.Stress Management: Prioritize stress management techniques, such as
meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness. These practices can enhance
mental well-being and resilience in the face of business challenges. Establish boundaries for work and personal life to prevent burnout.
Adequate rest is essential for cognitive function and overall health.

5.Community Support: Connect with other entrepreneurs or professionals who share similar health and wellness goals. This can provide motivation,
accountability, and a sense of community.

Remember that investing in your health is an investment in your business. A healthier, more energized you is likely to be more productive and resilient in the face of the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. By
incorporating these strategies, you can work towards achieving a harmonious balance between your business and your well-being.

Nate Masterson
Health and Wellness Expert for Maple Holistics

Due to their busy schedules and demanding lifestyles, entrepreneurs face
unique difficulties when it comes to maintaining their health and wellness.
However, incorporating balance and a consistent routine can be achieved
through various ways. Firstly, they should establish a morning routine that
makes time for exercise and a proper breakfast. This will boost their
energy levels and give them their daily dose of physical exercise. Even
short, intense workouts or brief walks can boost energy, reduce stress, and
improve focus.

Additionally, they should aim for at least 7 hours of sleep and develop a
night time routine that helps them wind down before bed. This will ensure
that the hours of sleep they are getting is quality sleep and helps rest
their body and mind. Many entrepreneurs are on the go, and generally this
means takeaway foods and convenience store meals. By meal prepping once a week, entrepreneurs are better able to work in nutritious meals that are balanced and contain essential vitamins, whole grains, proteins and other good stuff for their bodies.

They should also maintain hydration by drinking an adequate amount of
water. An easy way to do this is to constantly keep a water bottle on hand,
so that sipping on it throughout the day becomes a habit. They also need to
set boundaries and learn to say no. Taking too much onto your plate is not
healthy and sustainable for extended periods of time. Developing time
management skills are also crucial to ensure that they can maintain
productivity while still having time for themselves.

Sira Mas
Founder of Niche Site Wealth

I’m a digital entrepreneur and I’m the founder of several niche websites
like The Truly Charming and Serentravelty.

I have a lot of work since I also have a full-time job. What is helping me
a lot is use the psychology of challenges to protect both my physical and
mental health.

For example, I walk at least 10000 steps per day and I use the app Weward
that rewards you just for taking long walks. That basically forces me to
schedule some time to move and, as a result, to take several breaks during
the day.

Another challenge I love is eating three healthy meals a day for at least
five days a week. I have a dedicated calendar for that, on which I cross
each day on which I’ve eaten three healthy meals. That helps me stay
motivated to take care of my body and take some time every day to cook
something healthy instead of ordering food to save time.

Doing all these things help me stay productive, full of energy and in a
great mood.

Nita Talwar
Uppy International PB LLC

I am an entrepreneur and have a product-based business. As you mentioned,
our plates are full. In light of this, I look for #hacks that make life
easier, are effective and efficient.

1. Uppy! Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix ( is a water
multiplier that gets one hydrated and on their way by dissolving 1 tablet
in only 4 oz of water. Uppy! helps me fulfill my hydration needs
effectively and efficiently so that I can be focused and energized to run
my business. Uppy! follows the World Health Organization guidelines for an Isotonic Oral Rehydration Solution.

2. Another #hack I use is EMS (electric muscle stimulation) Training. A 20
minute workout that is equal to an hour and a half at the gym.

3. My wallet has a pocket that holds my credit card, drivers license, and
emergency cash — this has come in handy so many times and is really
efficient and effective as my phone is always with me.

Saj Munir
Founder of Chorlton Fireworks

Balancing a busy entrepreneurial lifestyle with a commitment to health and wellness can be challenging, but it’s essential for your long-term
well-being and business success. Here are some strategies to help you work
hard and stay healthy:

*Prioritize Your Health:*
One of the key challenges for entrepreneurs is finding the balance between
work and personal life. It’s crucial to recognize that your health is an investment, not an expense. Make it a priority, just like you would for
your business. Acknowledge that taking care of yourself is fundamental to
sustaining the energy and focus needed for your professional endeavors.

*Time Management and Planning:*
Effective time management is paramount. Plan your days meticulously,
including dedicated time for exercise, meals, and relaxation. Incorporate a
consistent workout routine into your schedule, even if it means starting
with short, high-intensity sessions. Consider activities like brisk walking, yoga, or even quick home workouts. Integrating physical activity
into your routine can enhance your productivity and creativity.

*Mindful Nutrition:*
Healthy eating fuels both your body and mind. Avoid excessive caffeine and
processed foods; instead, focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Plan your meals and, if necessary, explore healthy meal delivery services that can save you time.
Staying hydrated is also vital; carry a reusable water bottle and drink
water consistently throughout the day.

*Stress Management and Mental Wellness:*
Entrepreneurship often comes with immense stress. Incorporate stress
management techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. Consider allocating time for hobbies or activities that bring you joy and relaxation. If stress becomes
overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional support through therapy
or counseling. Your mental health is as important as your physical health.

*Regular Health Check-ups:*
Regular health check-ups are non-negotiable. Schedule routine appointments with your healthcare provider for comprehensive health assessments. This proactive approach can help in the early detection and prevention of potential health issues, ensuring you stay on top of your well-being.

*Quality Sleep:*
Adequate sleep is foundational to good health. Aim for 7–9 hours of quality
sleep each night. Establish a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation,
such as reading a book or taking a warm bath. Ensure your sleep environment is conducive to rest, with minimal light and noise. Quality sleep significantly impacts your energy levels, cognitive function, and overall resilience.

*Delegate and Seek Support:*
Recognize your limitations and be willing to delegate tasks. Surround
yourself with a reliable team and delegate responsibilities to them.
Seeking support from others, both personally and professionally, can
alleviate your workload and reduce stress. Remember, asking for help is a
sign of strength, not weakness.

Incorporating these practices into your daily life requires commitment and
discipline. By investing in your health and well-being, you’re not only
ensuring a better quality of life but also enhancing your ability to lead
your business successfully in the long run.

