Every Great (Sex) Journey Begins with a Single Step

Manageable milestones to help you reach your sexiest goals

Ena Dahl
Essensually Ena
Published in
13 min readSep 22, 2023


Do you still have points on your sexual bucket list for 2023 that you haven’t fulfilled? Now’s the time to start! Or perhaps you’re already setting your goals for the new year? Here are some tips on how to make those fantasies a reality. (Originally published in Lustery POV at the start of the year.)

New Year’s resolutions can be a bummer. If you’ve ever started the year full of hope and expectations for a better you only to feel disappointed in yourself months down the line, you’re not alone. Studies show not even ten percent of those who set resolutions follow through.

I’m convinced part of the problem is that we set restrictive goals for ourselves; we try to do less of what’s exciting and delicious and more of the complete opposite. Where’s the joy in that? Simultaneously, we attempt to do everything at once, without a proper plan and without pacing ourselves. Basically, we set ourselves up for failure.

Instead of setting restricting killjoy resolutions, let’s embrace our inner hedonists and libertines and make fucket-lists (aka bucket lists for sex) instead!

But, just like with any other big goal we might have, such as running a marathon, we don’t just…



Ena Dahl
Essensually Ena

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.