Essentia May ’20 Monthly Updates

Essentia One
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2020

We are delighted to wrap up yet another month of the fruitful work, delivering you a detailed report of all the new functionalities added to Essentia. This last month we continued working on the Blockexplorer improvements, along with other milestones hit. Keep on reading to learn exactly what was done!


Continuing a series of improvements to the Essentia Blockexplorer (Part 1 and Part 2), this month we focused on the usability and user experience.

In order to provide our users with maximum effectiveness, we decided to add various filters to the Masternode search bar in the ‘Masternodes’ tab. Now you can search for the needed results using the following filters:

  • Tier: Mars or Mercury
  • Status: Enabled or Disabled
  • Active time
  • Transaction Hash
  • Transaction address

Aiming to internationalize the Essentia project, even more, we keep on adding new translations of our services. Just as a reminder, not so long ago we added the Russian language to the Desktop application. This month we also added Russian as a translation option for the Blockexplorer as well.

Coming Soon

Hardware wallet support

This month we worked closely demo of the hardware support for the Essentia Desktop wallet, which was highly requested from our community.

We will continue improving the service, fixing bugs, and improving the working processes and soon you will able to start using your Hardware wallet to import your assets (BTC and ETH at first) to Essentia Desktop. Essentia will support Trezor and Ledger.

That’s it for now! We continue working on improving the services we provide, so if you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to contact us on our Telegram channel.

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Essentia One

Decentralized data management framework. With one seed, you can control all of your dApps, identities, and assets. Website: