Introducing a Major UI/UX Update in the Essentia Desktop

Essentia One
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2021

However small the UI/UX updates may seem, every small bug fix or every good-placed button helps smoothen out the experience of using an app. During the last few days, we were especially focused on the UI improvements to make sure the Essentia application is user-friendly and intuitive. Let’s wrap up with the introductions, and get straight to what was done and what you can already see for yourself.

The new wallet menu layout

We’ve got several complaints about users not being able to distinguish between wallets, tokens, and coins inside the app. Now the issue’s fixed thanks to the new section layout. The hierarchy is not the only distinguishing point, we have also added a small icon that will be placed only on your wallet tabs.

Login/create account process improved

With a remastered workflow, creating an account or logging into Essentia is now faster than ever. In this industry time is money for sure. Save an extra minute even on the smallest details.

Info and descriptions upon hovering

In order to eliminate any point of misunderstanding, you can hover over most buttons on the app and see a small pop-up with a description of what it means.

Editing buttons new placement

Before in order to edit the wallet, you had to click on the EDIT button directly in the wallets section. To make it more intuitive, we have placed the button directly under the wallet name, along with the buttons to Copy private key, and Remove wallet.

Price new view

Now you can check how much 1 token/coin costs, along with the price dynamics percentages.

Token swap fees

When you exchange the ESS token for an ESSX coin, you can now see the fee it will require you to perform the transaction. It’s not us who’s taking the fee, it’s the Ethereum blockchain needing a commission for every interaction you have with it.

Add new wallets

Before, if you wanted to add a new wallet to the application, you had to do it one by one. Now, we have added the possibility to choose and add several of them at once. Saves time!

Auto logout new timings

A while ago, we added a function to auto-logout if the user is idle for 15, 30 minutes (the preferences can be set in the settings). However, since you have to keep the app open to run the masternode, we received a few queries to add another option, with a longer timing.

So you can now choose 1 hour, 2 hours, or Never. We wouldn’t recommend using the new timings for the users who are not running masternodes, security-wise. Make sure nobody has access to your wallet and keep your funds safe.

Masternode actions

Renewed masternode actions menu, now more understandable.


During the last few weeks we have also fixed a list of bugs concerning the masternodes — all thanks to our community troubleshooting! Thanks for letting us know.

Now that the masternodes deployment has been optimized, we believe that issues will happen less, if at all. If you still has anything going wrong, let us know at

Pop up

To keep you from accidentally closing the app, we are now displaying a pop-up upon you clicking the exit button: Are you sure you want to exit the app?

Dashboard new design

Looking better, isn’t it? Not much to say here, it’s all about the look with this one.

Note: In order to have all the new features implemented, please redownload the application from our website.

Have suggestions?

If you have any suggestion regarding the Essentia app, don’t hesitate to contact us! We value your opinion and your time spent on sharing it. Let’s build an amazing platform together.



Essentia One

Decentralized data management framework. With one seed, you can control all of your dApps, identities, and assets. Website: