Want to support ESS? Adding liquidity to Uniswap — a Guide

Essentia One
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2020

In today’s article, we will show you — step-by-step, how you can support Essentia by adding liquidity to the Uniswap pool. We are also adding it gradually to make sure the token is feasible for trading. That said, let’s get to the guide.

Today, we will take the USDT/ESS pair as an example, but the same steps apply to other pairs as well.

Step 1. Make sure you have USDT, ESS, and some ETH in your Metamask wallet. ETH is needed to pay the transaction fee.

Step 2. Go to https://uniswap.exchange/pool

Step 3. Once you’re there, connect your wallet — you will see a button in the top right corner.

Step 4. Choose the wallet you want to use to create liquidity out of the given option. We will be using MetaMask.

Step 5. Once you enter your password and successfully connect to your wallet, click on ‘Add liquidity’.

Step 6. Choose a pair you would like to supply — as mentioned earlier we will be working with USDT/ESS.

Once you click on ‘Add token’, enter the following address to the search bar: 0xfc05987bd2be489accf0f509e44b0145d68240f7

Pick ESS from the menu.

Step 7. Now, you will have to approve the transactions you are making with your assets. Click on ‘Approve’, and your connected wallet, here MetaMask, will ask you the permission to move your assets. Just follow the instruction your wallet provides.

Step 8. Once you manually confirm the transactions, wait a few minutes for them to go through.

Step 9. Now, click ‘Supply’. Once again confirm the actions with your wallet — and that’s it!

You have just added liquidity and supported the ESS token — we deeply appreciate it! If you have any questions left, please let us know on our official Telegram channel.

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Essentia One

Decentralized data management framework. With one seed, you can control all of your dApps, identities, and assets. Website: essentia.one