Migrating to Swift 4.1 using a TDD + Git workflow [S01 Extras]

Caio Zullo
Essential Developer — iOS
1 min readJul 20, 2018
Watch on YouTube

In this episode, we migrate the Quiz project and its dependencies to Swift 4.1 and modernize our code with the newest additions.

Just like in the Swift 4 migration episode, we migrate each module independently, while making sure that all tests are passing at every step and that we end up with no build warnings.

In Swift 4.1, Array conforms to Equatable when its Element type also conforms to Equatable! We finally can revert the changes made in Episode 24, where we had to replace Array<String> with Set<String>. To do so, we show an effective workflow combining Git and Automated Tests.

It’s important to notice that without meaningful git commit messages and a test suite we trust, it can be much harder to do such changes with confidence.

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Originally published at www.essentialdeveloper.com.

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Caio Zullo
Essential Developer — iOS

I love building robust, well-engineered, and beautiful iOS applications and coaching developers to achieve their best potential @ https://essentialdeveloper.com