Trump To Name 3rd SCOTUS Nominee At The End Of The Week

Kyle Forrest
Essential Millennial
2 min readSep 22, 2020

Following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Donald Trump is targeting a fast tracked appointment of what will be his third Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) nominee in his first term as President.

The President has the chance to solidify a conservative majority in the SCOTUS, in the wake of the passing of liberal and feminist icon, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Trump has already nominated and had two justices confirmed earlier in his term, appointing Neil Gorsuch to replace Antonin Scalia in April 2017 and Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy in October 2018.

Now, while trailing in the polls to Democratic nominee for November’s presidential election, Joe Biden, Trump has indicated that he will be nominating Ginsburg’s SCOTUS replacement by the end of the week.

“We’ll make a decision probably Saturday, maybe Friday,” Trump told reporters, according to , as he campaigned in the US state of Ohio. He says he will choose between five female candidates.

Trump’s actions with regards to the SCOTUS are bound to have a major effect on the elections and he emphasised that his aim is to ensure the vacancy is filled before elections take place to avoid a potential 4–4 split on any issues surrounding the election itself.

“The final vote should be taken before the election. We have plenty of time for that,” he said earlier on Monday in an interview with Fox News. “We don’t want to have a tie.”

He also rejected the notion that if it were Democrats holding the Senate and a Democratic president in office, that they wouldn’t take the same course of action.

“[If the Democrats] were in the same position there is zero chance that they wouldn’t do it,” he said. “They wouldn’t even talk about it. They’d say ‘you’re crazy.’”

Meanwhile, Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell who rejected Barrack Obama’s attempts to fill Scalia’s vacated seat in his final year in office with Merrick Garland, has said that the Senate will vote on Trump’s nominee according to precedent.

“[There is] overwhelming precedent behind the fact that this Senate will vote on this nomination this year,” McConnell said while dismissing comparisons with the Obama administration’s 2016 nomination.

Originally published at on September 22, 2020.

