What is my approach?

WenJie Zheng
Essentials of Business: Social Networking
3 min readSep 28, 2017

I have been living in New York City since 2009. The city itself has inspired me in the way that I understand what I’m pursuing. The city is surrounded by art and the diversity of the city makes every one unique. In such an amazing city, I have built my small network based in the regions I have visited the most often; Bloomingdales, Metropolitan Museum of Arts, and Bergdorf Goodman.

I have a pretty steady relationship with few sales associates, and about half of them were introduced by a sales associate I have already know. My approach is quite simple. The regular approach I used is usually just going up to them and ask them to help me finding something that I’m looking for. As the conversation goes, I will sometimes ask them for opinions and that’s how my conversation gets started and left them with an impression. Whether or not at the end I decide to purchase or not, I will always ask them for their cards, and for most of the time, they will even provide you with their personal contact because you are technically “unearned sales” for them. But that’s only the first step, if you want to further develop a stronger relationship with them, that’s not enough. Just think about they will be facing thousands of people daily and it is hard for them to remember you. The next step is either email them or visit the same store and particularly looking for that specific SA. I personally feel if more effective when is face to face because you left them with a face that they can remember, not just the name. As time goes, he/she will understand and get to know your taste and interest, often in time, they will even approach you first if they see something that might interest you. That’s considered a type of sales strategy but that’s also a real connection.

Knowing one sales associate is not enough, often in time, they will recommend you to someone they know and help you with something they aren’t able to help with. I personally have a strong interest in different fragrance because I think when it combines with your body chemistry it will produce a unique sense that’s representing you. About half years ago, I was consulting with my SA with a specific fragrance I wanted. However, she’s not an expert in fragrance so she provides me with a phone number of a friend (Jenette), and tell me to contact her she can better assist me with my needs. If I were in NYC that time I will definitely go to the store but I was in school. So, I called her and asked her a bunch of questions. She doesn’t seem annoyed, instead, she said that a lot of people just come and smell the sense, and then buy it if they like it, but never speak into such depth about a fragrance. That moment I know, I have left my impression. During the spring recess, I went back home and visited the bouquet to smell the fragrance in person. Since I never meet her, it was kind of funny that I literally asked her if Jenette is in the store. Anyways, I ended up didn’t purchase the product because it wasn’t my style. What surprises me the most was that before I leave, she gave me an invitation to a private event that’s invite-only. She literally just said to me “I think this seat should be yours and is worthy give it to you.”

It was not until my junior year in high school, I started to realize I have a passion towards fashion and art. It helps me understand some meaning of life and offered me a sense of goal that I want to accomplish. I went to the places are not only because I want to shop, but I can’t deny that is part of the reason too. The environment that I was in and the people around me makes me feel welcome and they express the sense that they want to know me. It also brings up my passion that I want to know you too, along with making connections, I also felt that is a place where I can speak my interest and passion, most importantly people will respond.

