ESSPRI is now on Medium

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1 min readJul 12, 2017

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Established in 2016, the Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute at UC Irvine is dedicated to studying policies and programs designed to support economic self-sufficiency. ESSPRI brings together the talents and contributions of researchers at UC Irvine, the UC system, and the national research community in a network committed to objective, high-quality research.

ESSPRI welcomes article submissions on topics broadly related to our research agenda.

With a focus on policy impact at the state and local levels, ESSPRI engages the policy community to improve policy and create lasting impact by:

  • Producing and sponsoring research comparing and contrasting policies with respect to long-run outcomes related to economic self-sufficiency.
  • Working with its network of researchers and communications staff to convey to policymakers lessons from the research.
  • Disseminating policy-related research to the media and the policy community through targeted studies, op-eds, accessible write-ups of research findings, policy testimony, and other means.
  • Organizing events to learn from local programs that seek to increase economic self-sufficiency, to help these programs assess and improve their effectiveness through data collection and evaluation, and to disseminate findings on effective interventions.



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Studying policies and programs designed to support economic self-sufficiency.