Checklist For Traveling To The United States.

Robert Smith
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2019
Map of USA

Before traveling to the US, you’d want to get together all essential items which’ll make your journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Remember, the US authorities strictly screen all travellers so that only those who’re authorised to enter the country can do so.

Key Details to Prepare

US authorities require the following details from every individual who wants to travel to the US, so keep it ready along with the details of all who’re going with you:

  • Full name as given in passport, date of birth, gender, nationality
  • Passport number and country that has issued it
  • The country that you live in and the address in which you will stay in the US
  • Alien registration number and redress number, if you have one

In addition to the above, you’ll also need other items with you during your stay as they will add to your comfort and safety.

Here’s a quick checklist that can be followed before traveling to the US:

  • Passport and Visa — Your passport must be stamped with an appropriate visa for entry into the country, but this is not needed if you are visa exempt.
  • ESTA — Get your ESTA ready and take a print out of it. Keep it with other important travel documents.
  • Money — Decide early on how you’re going to carry your money. Decide if it’ll be cash, travellers’ cheque or credit card.
  • Tickets — Get your tickets for the date of journey either online or through the travel agent.
  • Accommodation — Check out the hotels which offer comfort at an affordable price and make the booking online or through a travel agent.
  • Driving — Look into the rules that have to be followed by travellers when they need to get around the city by driving (car rental).
  • Voltage — You’ll undoubtedly be carrying some electronic appliances, so check if they are compatible with US voltage regulations.
  • Medication — All mediation taken must be in their proper packing along with prescriptions.
  • Travel Insurance- Do you have travel insurance? If not, apply right away.
  • Contact numbers — Make a list of significant contact numbers of your family and friends in your local city and the US.
  • Getting around — Read up as much as possible on how to get around and explore the city where you’re staying.

Enjoy a wonderful time in the United States!

Originally published at

