The Allen, TX Shooter Was A White Supremacist

American racecraft allows all other races, save for Black people, to audition for white supremacy. A shocking amount of them chooses an AR-15 as their tool.

Hal H. Harris
Established in 1865


An AR-15-style assault rifle. Source: Unsplash.

On May 6th, 2023, a rifleman opened fire on a packed mall in Allen, Texas. He murdered eight people. He physically maimed seven others, and scarred countless hundreds psychologically with the echoing of his AR-15 fire, their crouching from finding cover, and their stampeding away from danger.

I struggle with the ethics of not using the shooter’s name. Many folks and media outlets try to avoid giving mass shooters the notoriety in death that they have always craved in life. These murderers, often finding succor and inspiration behind avatars on 4Chan and other sites, mark their coming out into society with .223 Remington rounds and funerals. But this shooter’s name is important. His parents named him Mauricio Garcia.

His given name and surname indicate Latinx ancestry. Describing his physical appearance — and thus, his race — would invoke all the illogical complexities of American racecraft. I will try for the broader part of the argument I am making.

Let me show you how race is a fiction, and yet remains the organizing political…



Hal H. Harris
Established in 1865

Black on Both Sides. Medium Writers Challenge Winner. The founder of Established in 1865. I Tweet @Established1865. E-mail is