The Thoughts Between Stories | Published Weekly

Black on Both Sides, Vol. 15

On political correctness, the senator from West Virginia, and Netflix.

Hal H. Harris
Established in 1865
7 min readOct 18, 2021


Senator Joe Manchin at the opening of a clinic in West Virgina. Source: Joe Manchin’s Senate Website.

The last portion of Elizabeth Dawber’s analysis of the Writers Challenge winners quantified our success as “politically correct.” She writes:

I remember a post by a writer on this platform stating that Medium would probably favor ethnic minority writers but they couldn’t choose all Black Rastafarians as that would be too obvious.

Dawber concluded that “Medium chose winners across a broad spectrum making sure they ticked the political correctness boxes for Black, Asian, Disability and LGBT, and White.”

David Pahor, in his story, wrote:

They studiously and politically correctly selected winning champion-personas across the broad sweep of contestants, matching four of them painstakingly to underrepresented groups — LGBT and Disability, Asian, Black, and White Women from the South, as Elizabeth already mentioned.

And The Maverick Files posted in regards to the themes each of the winning essays address:

All very relevant and important topics that Medium would politically like to associate with. Sure, nothing wrong in it, but are…



Hal H. Harris
Established in 1865

Black on Both Sides. Medium Writers Challenge Winner. The founder of Established in 1865. I Tweet @Established1865. E-mail is