Aging Population And Resultant Problems In The United States

Sara Harley
Estates, Trusts and Probate Attorney
3 min readNov 1, 2018

The rapid advancements in medical care and a better quality of life has prolonged the life of the people in the United States and led to an increase in the number of older persons. The need of the hour now not only in the US but the world over is care of the elderly. There are social as well as economic consequences when the aging population in a country increases. There is a huge demand for healthcare facilities as well as nursing homes and assisted living accommodations. The staff in these care centers are overworked due to a shortage in the availability of skilled healthcare workers leading to elder abuse and the need for protection by elder abuse litigation attorneys.

Unskilled Workers AndInexpert Care For The Elderly

Lower birth rates have led to a decrease in the number of young people joining the workforce. Countries are also looking to immigration to keep their economy going. Immigration leads to the arrival of both skilled and unskilled workers. The unskilled workers are willing to do any type of work to make ends meet including working at healthcare centers and nursing homes. There is understaffing at most nursing facilities leading to short tempers and stressed caregivers. This in turn leads to abuse of their patients and the need to seek the help of nursing home abuse attorneys in Long Beach.

Understaffed Care Homes Leading To Stressful Conditions

Due to the shortage of skilled staff, there is a tendency to hire staff that are not trained and are of a low quality. This lack of training is reflected in the type of care they give to their patients. They also may not have the resources and the knowledge to deal with the people under their care. This results in neglect of patients and inability to tend to their emotional mood swings. Caring for the elderly is hard work and quite stressful especially if the center is short-staffed. Caregivers do not have the time or the patience to cater to the idiosyncrasies of their aged patients and may react to situations with physical or psychological abuse. Nursing home lawyers in Long Beach help out families who have had to go through the trauma of having their loved ones abused.

Causes Of Elder Abuse In Long Beach

One of the main reasons for abuse in nursing homes and care centers is the presence of undertrained staff and staff that have been casually hired. The payment is low and the conditions of work difficult leading to lack of motivation or interest on the part of the workers. There is an overemphasis on profit by the corporates who run these homes leading to inadequate security for the residents or supervision of the caregivers. The inmates are not provided the standard of care they deserve and are paying for. Aggrieved families often thus have to seek the help of nursinghome abuse lawyers in Long Beach to get justice for their loved ones.

