How to Grow your Social Media Following Exponentially

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5 min readNov 21, 2021

Social media has a strong influence online and even offline. Essentially because of its number of users, its wide reach, and the features it offers.

In this article, we’ll learn what social media is about and the opportunities it creates.

And if you’re searching on how to grow your social media followers and how to manage it for your business, Read on!

Social media is a digital tool that allows its users to quickly create and share content to the public. It also involves virtual interaction, communication, and collaboration anywhere around the world.

Aside from its personal use, social media applications are also utilized for networking and career opportunities. One of the best and easy ways for promotion is through social media marketing.

Of course, social media also has its downside.

People also experience stress and anxieties because of the negativities that circulate online. Plus, there are also risks regarding privacy and security.

But when managed properly, these can be avoided and social media can be put to good and effective use.


Huge and Diverse Audience

There are now 4.48 billion active social media users in an estimate, which is about 57% of the global population. Considering this, it is indeed faster to reach a huge audience with less effort through social media.

Easy To Use

Articles and video tutorials on using different platforms are accessible online in just a few clicks.

Free and Affordable

Increase Brand Awareness

Boost Customer Engagement

Unlike traditional media, social media gives you the opportunity for two-way communication. This will build up the followers’ interest and, eventually, their loyalty as customers.

Great Channel For Retargeting

Even by just showing slight interest, consider them as your potential customers. Show them more of what you can offer through ads to boost their interest and eventually become your customer.

More Influential

About 57% of the global population is using social media, which has become part of their habit. Its influence and the ability it gives to its users to influence extends not only online but even offline.


1. Be at the right platform

To do this, you have to understand their differences, their features, users, and determine how it can help the presence of your business.

2. Create your own profile/page and complete the details

More importantly, check if it’s accurate and don’t forget to keep it up-to-date.

Aside from giving your potential customers readily available contact details for you, this will also help establish your business credibility.

3. Examine your competitors

Familiarize yourself with their content and activities to establish a better grasp of what you need to do. This is also an opportunity to create your edge as well as a better idea of what to improve on.

4. Share valuable and creative content

If you want to know more about the remaining steps to grow your Social Media following exponentially, then continue reading here.


Social media has grown wide and influential, with its users growing about 13.1% each year. It’s not only for entertainment but it has become part of our everyday life because of its essence and its benefits.

Although it has downsides, these can be avoided through proper management.

To avoid stress and anxieties because of the negativities that circulate online, in social media, you have control. Filter what you only want to see and remove what is inappropriate and unnecessary.

Regarding the risks on privacy and security, there are available softwares to avoid these. Or if you have your own website, you can hire experts in website security for protection.

Maximizing social media can bring lots of opportunities to you personally or to your other endeavors like in business, for example.

Social Media as marketing strategy is very effective because of its wide reach and range of features.

It’s easy to do the basic steps to grow your social media. However, frustration may build up when you’re growing slow, while anxiety may rise when you’re overwhelmed by the growth.

Just like any other goals and passion, consistency is key to grow in social media.

In starting, your growth may seem slow, especially when you’re doing everything on your own. Then as you grow, your responsibilities will become heavier because there are more to manage and maintain.

No worries because there are ways to avoid these frustrations and anxieties. Leverage the presence of available services to manage your business and achieve your goal effortlessly.

Outsourcing all the work is the best option. Seek help from the experts and have more time to do other productive works for your business.

Learn more strategies for social media marketing to grow your business by taking advantage of Estatoora’s Social Media Marketing Course. Click here and start a social media marketing plan now!




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