How Taking Initiative Can Change Your Life

Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2020

by: Milena Zoraja

Every day you have a choice — you either do the regular routine or you take a turn and see where it takes you. Understandably, you cannot just live from one plot twist to another (or you can, in which case, maybe you should see a professional) simply because having a routine, being disciplined, and future-oriented is a way to go if you want to accomplish great things. There comes a time though, when your routine becomes your comfort zone, a state you are never 100% willing to give up, and if you decide to stay, it could stop you from reaching your full potential. If reaching full potential is not a goal for you, great! Keep up the good work! However if it is, you might want to snap out of it and take that other turn.

Taking initiative can have multiple incentives and they are usually based on your personality, but one thing all life-changing turns have in common is passion. Your motive has to get you going. When you know the WHY, the HOW is easier to determine.

When joining ESTIEM, I could not have possibly been aware of how big of a plot twist it would be. Suddenly you have all these meetings to go to, reports to finish, people to contact, team buildings to attend and the next thing you know, you are the person with ideas, doing one thing after another while having a blast. It was not until I saw people my age having trouble communicating, coming up with ideas or having nobody to ask for help, that I have realized just how much ESTIEM has given me. Now, if you thought this is an ode to ESTIEM, I assure you, it is not. However, this is an ode to curiosity, to taking risks and doing things which set your heart on fire.

You know how, when we were kids, we did all these things which, looking back at them, had no sense and now make you feel embarrassed? Let’s just take the root of that feeling into consideration. Looking back and seeing the difference in the way you think, the way you see yourself and the things you wish for is an indicator of growth. The bigger the progress, the more accomplished you feel and that exact feeling of accomplishment is a power which can move mountains. When you learn to channel that energy into something meaningful, you are setting yourself on a road to greatness!

Quite recently, I have decided to risk my grades, social life and cut my free time in order to do a project. I had to learn about the topic, about time management and how to keep people motivated when simply giving them a salary is not an option. Late nights, missed dates with friends, and a lot of reading material. I know what you are thinking — she did it all and felt like Wonder woman. The end. Well, yes and no. I was sleep deprived, had a lot of explaining to do to my non-ESTIEM friends and was far from a good motivator. One thing that did exceed my expectations was how my thoughts were organized in this new little mindset which felt fresh and exciting. I have stepped out of the land of comfort and it was like breathing fresh air on a sunny morning. Being more aware of the possibilities before me, I have noticed how some skills like problem solving or setting goals and measuring them have become easier and more natural and that is exactly all it takes to keep me going. It is never easy but when you know how meaningful pushing your own limits could be in the long run, no trouble is ever so unbearable.

Finally, let’s acknowledge that taking initiative is not always so easy. More often than not, there are obstacles like time, money, people, etc. That is exactly why finding a motive and having a vision is so important. It could be personal growth, gaining experience, or changing the world but be aware that your goals will determine the road your life journey is going to so choose them wisely and never let fear limit your curiosity.

Credit: 58th issue of ESTIEM Magazine

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