Questions from LXI Council Meeting of ESTIEM

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3 min readFeb 8, 2021

In this document you can find the questions the students submitted in our form, organized by the person they would wish would answer it.


What advice do you have for IEM students all over Europe?

EPIEM: IEM offers many opportunities in Europe and worldwide. Become aware of where your passion might lead you, become very good in that and embrace a career in that direction with enthusiasm and passion. Achieve not only a good salary and high recognition, but aim for self realisation.

SEFI: Multidisciplinarity, Diversity and Openness are between the committed values of SEFI. These values are particularly important for planning your future career trajectory as early as possible during your student life. Having a clear career plan would allow you to make a better adjustment of our engineering curriculum and well prepare your future professional life.

AIM: To look for international opportunities that will increase opportunities and experience.

What do you find lacking in the IEM community of Europe? (Any skills attitudes, initiatives, knowledge)

EPIEM: All the puzzle pieces are there. Maybe we can promote more thoughts in the direction of how managing today’s and tomorrow’s technologies can be done in order to enhance the development of humanity and individuals as well as personal and collective happiness and fulfillment in Europe and in the whole world.

AIM: Increase knowledge in soft skills beyond hard skills that could be more easily recovered on the job. Decision making and communication abilities as well as team working are individual attitudes which are really appreciated by companies. The use of digital operations management tools is also an ability appreciated by the job market.

Our courses often do not include the most recent developments in the field. Can you tell us about some of the most interesting research topics or discussions in the IEM field?

EPIEM: Sustainability, Ethics, Conscious Leadership.

SEFI: Sustainability, Ethics, Gender and Diversity.

AIM: Industry 4.0 paradigm is focused on manufacturing digitalization. In this scenario, a lack of knowledge on the role and abilities of human operators is a challenging research topic.

What do you see in the future for the partnerships you have in ESTIEM?

EPIEM: We can have a partnership that is a source of inspiration in both directions.

SEFI: Our relationship has numerous opportunities and mutual benefits in the future, better understanding and sharing views and experiences.

AIM: We have two years of common research concerning the Industrial Engineering and Management Erasmus plus project. In the long term, a European organization coordinating educational efforts by Universities and companies could be a challenging common project.

What do you think are the most important skills for students to have mastered after their studies?

EPIEM: professional, methodical and social skills are all of great and balanced importance. It is hard to point out some skills in front of the others, but maybe the ability to choose the life (and career) path that leads to a fulfilled life, where you like what you are doing and you believe it makes sense to be engaged could be of great relevance.

SEFI: Transversal skills are particularly important skills for students’ future employability and professional life. These skills are often developed outside the classrooms, in the framework of extracurricular activities. ESTIEM provides excellent opportunities for students transversal skills development.

AIM: Continuous learning. Technology innovation runs fast.

What do you think will change most with regards to the content of IEM studies in the upcoming 10 years?

EPIEM: a greater accent on sustainability, ethics and conscious leadership. These two elements will be more present in all technical and management related disciplines.

SEFI: Sustainability and ethics will become more and more important in the next 10 years and one of the most important challenges would be to well integrate these contents in the curriculum.

AIM: Data Science, AI, machine learning. Data based business.

To be continued…



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ESTIEM is an exciting network of open-minded students with a professional approach