Best practices to create a user friendly site navigation

James Keith
eStore Handyman
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2017
website navigation design best practices
Best practices to create a user friendly site

It’s your customers who contribute to your business success factor. If they should buy from you, they should be able to interpret your site navigation to do their purchase journey. How do you ensure this User friendly site navigation? How to do make a user friendly website design? What are the website navigation best practices towards making high sales?

  • Clear categories are very important as this conveys the base message on the list of products and services you have. Simple single worded names when used to name them, every user can understand what’s under them, just in a glance. Not too many categories should be used, causing a confusion as to a specific item may belong to more than one category.
  • Some products could naturally fall under two categories. In such cases, ensure to include the product under both of them, building the apt subcategories. Like women’s jewelry may go into women and also into accessories!
  • Hover menus, fly outs, drop downs may be not seen as a great practice by a few businesses who think such menus block the web page content to be visible. But it’s not so in eCommerce where you have diverse categories of items; the only way to clearly display them is under hover menus that are clickable so the users can directly navigate from there. The fly layout that’s shown on hovering upon the parent category has a header and items under the header; these should be clickable too.
  • Don’t be too creative enough to perplex eCommerce users! Follow the basic routine navigation styles: top down one or the left right one. Hamburger or hidden menus are fine too if there is little high numbers of categories; in smart devices, these menus work better due to space constraints. Google loves it! Sliding style or minor animations on these hidden menus keeps reminding the users about their presence; don’t make them too clumsy but moderately animated. Continue Reading…

Originally published at on February 6, 2017.

