Here’s eCommerce Social Media Trends for 2020

James Keith
2 min readJan 8, 2020


social media marketing trends
eCommerce Social Media Marketing Trends

(The original blog was published on 8th February 2019, which is then revised with latest social media trends incorporating the new eCommerce courses for 2020)

To keep the buzz alive in the lives of today’s search-savvy minds, the eCommerce market is accepting social media penetration with their arms wide open! The social media trends are inevitably changing, and we live in an era where algorithm changes are an everyday thing! ‘Out of sight is out of mind’, and the businesses today understand this way too well! With an approximate estimation of 221 million social media users by the year 2022 stand alone in the United States, it is one of the key marketing strategies to build a strong social media presence. Digital marketers should keep up with the latest social media marketing trends to up their marketing game in 2019. With this being said, here are the most lucrative social media trends for the business you shouldn’t miss out on!

Social Media Trend #1 — Short span, Long Effect

social media analytics trends
Social Media Trends for Business

Yes, we’re talking about the 24-hour thing that’s buzzing on almost all the social media platforms. Stories! Brands indulging into creative story content is the latest social media trend of 2019. Snapchat might be the pioneer of the concept but other social platforms are pacing up really quick! Continue Reading…

Originally published at on January 8, 2020.

