Because Cannabis Is the Scandal That Will End the NFL…

Talent UnDisputed
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2017

From the beginning of its time, American football has been engulfed in scandals. From rape accusations and domestic violence, to illegal drug enhancements bettering the games, we have watched while professionals have been excused for their behaviors.

While no one will ever directly admit to being okay with this, the lack of aggressive actions against these behaviors shows fans where the National Football League (NFL) stands. #winning.

Which makes it odd that the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, said he sees no medical benefit from the use of cannabis even though studies are finding that it in fact can be a better way to handle issues such as pain management.

Excuse me?

While his statement perhaps may have come from ignorance, his decision to advance in this direction is just another blow to the NFL. As popular as the sport is, people can no longer ignore all the dangers that surround the game. We’ve created movies, concluded terminal diagnoses and adjusted sports suits based on the physical destruction of the players. To the fans and the players, it’s all worth it. Nevertheless, cannabis would be an end-all.

First, it needs to be pointed out that Mr. Goodell only focused his argument on smoking cannabis, arguing that the smoke inhalation is dangerous. A response like that shows the lack of research and assessment involved in the benefits of the plant. We can argue that smoke inhalation isn’t the healthiest thing to do, but how does that argument stand against perhaps eating it? Or using its oils?

Argue all you want, cannabis has been proven not only beneficial, but a healthy alternative to many addictive habits. The running joke of zero fatalities is now the moral of the story with more and more people who are experiencing the effects of its variety joining the club. More importantly, its economic benefits has moved us in a direction of such enlightenment that reasons against it are laughable.

But it seems the NFL has neglected to consider it medical benefits. It also seems that based on Goodell’s reasons, there was no thought process to conclude it as to use what we now know as a myth for a reason shouldn’t hold weight in any argument.

The NFL has neglected to consider cannabis’ medical benefits. Even with new studies throwing direct correlations at all the benefits cannabis can have when it comes to pain management, we still have thought processes only focused on its urban legends. Now, that it’s become legal in half of the country, it’s important to make sure those who are making vital decisions are being forced to use all the information gained and not just enough to make a subjective point.

The ability to keep up with the aggressiveness of football takes a lot of physical, mental, and supplemental work — -work that has long-term effects and conditions. If there is an opportunity to integrate cannabis into a routine, helping ease the consequences of the sport, why prevent the advancement?

For decades, we have been told tall tales of cannabis. From the exaggeration of brain effects, to the Attorney General ignoring science behind it, our ancestors have cursed the terms referenced to marijuana. For decades also, we have watched the effects of participating in football. Guess which of these can be fatal?



Talent UnDisputed

Freelance Writer, Comedian, and Founder of Talent UnDisputed.