Cannabis Confessions: Why Was I Shamed?

Talent UnDisputed
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2017
Photo: Javasia Wiggins

It happens sometimes. I find myself feeling nostalgic, thinking about my youth and realizing how much misinformation was fed to myself and my peers. Some of us are still waiting to use algebra as adults. Me? Oh, cannabis was going to prevent me from doing anything in life, thus, I hid my hobby of smoking herb.

For generations, cannabis has fallen in the rabbit hole of myths and urban legends and although some information began with some truth, the reality has been lost, grabbing the benefits of cannabis along its way.

For instance, I spent my entire life being told that smoking herb would start the journey of despair and loneliness and, for a while, I believed it as I worked, went to college, interned and worked some more. I believed that one day I would just wake up and insist on hanging with my couch all day. Nobody could know I smoked because of this.

This was until I realized I was one of many successful cannabis lovers — the ones who went beyond what D.A.R.E. provided and realized the many areas and benefits that cannabis offers outweighed any minor side-effect it could cause.

Here I was being made to feel like I was failing in the midst of my journey to success.

In 2017, people will still jump to the most comfortable conclusion when it comes to cannabis. Many still would never expect a cannabis lover to not only enjoy a smoke, but to have an efficacious life outside of their hobby as well. I’m sure there are days Rihanna would rather burn one than entertain people, but that doesn’t keep billboard hits.

We work part-time, full-time, multiple jobs at a time. We even say f@#k the corporate world and have enough drive to succeed on our own. No one assumes a glass of wine at the end of the day would lead to a career drowning, but still, we are made to feel bad about what we do. This is delusional.

Not only is there scientific evidence proving otherwise, we have highly advanced people who admit to using cannabis regularly. Whoopi Goldberg’s success is obvious and overflowing into the cannabis industry. Would we consider Morgan Freeman lazy? Maya Angelou provided some of the most profound lyrics to the community. People who had to work tirelessly for success. How could we excuse this?

We are told it’s destructive while it, in fact, has the opportunity to enhance our capabilities. I, like many, had no problem balancing work, school and other activities. As I write this, my brain is enjoying gathering information. It’s motivation. Personal and otherwise.

Seriously, with all the devastating drugs that have proven to lead to a life of despair, the threat of cannabis ruining our lives remains pronounced for now obscure reasons. Even now, with cannabis being the most commonly used drug according to many resources, and with the reduction in opiate overdose in the states that legalized it, we still shame it and those who are proud to share it.

Our leaders ignore its potential while people suffer holding onto the misinformation that cannabis is the gateway drug. This could be comparable to saying dating will lead a life of STIs.

Cannabis is said to lead to addictive behaviors for many. For me? It’s all about progression — herb before a long walk, before a day dealing with customers…after a day of dealing with customers, studying for mid-terms, finals, and research projects. It may have been a wanting to prove what many already knew, that cannabis had as much of an effect on someone’s life as they want it to.

I shouldn’t feel ashamed. My Bachelor’s degree and multiple honor society entries proved everyone wrong. So, why can’t a successful person enjoy a plant at the end of the day like a beer, or an energy boost in the morning like coffee? Responsibility is always key.

As I sit here and type this, I am a victim of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, forced to use high dosage medications to dull my brain. I rely on cannabis not only to supplement my anti-seizure medications, but to also ward off its side effects — effects I were told that cannabis would provide me if I used it.

Doctors are now prescribing drugs with a fallout much worse than the threats associated with the use of a plant. But, here I am, telling you my story while I watch my home state of New Jersey succumbing to an opiate and heroin epidemic feeling like I still have to prove to people that cannabis has been nothing but a benefit.

No more hiding.

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Talent UnDisputed

Freelance Writer, Comedian, and Founder of Talent UnDisputed.