Introducing the Liberty Lab

A NEW publication for progressive ideas & practical solutions.

Stacy DeGroot
The Liberty Lab
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2023


Welcome to the Liberty Lab, our new publication for sharing the Libertas Institute’s work, including research summaries, project updates, practical tips, and innovative ideas for social and societal improvement.

The Libertas Institute works to translate research and theory into practical solutions, useful information, and positive action. And the Liberty Lab is where we bring these benefits to you — a space to catalyze innovation, drive pragmatic progress, and share what we learn with the world.

Hi there! I’m Stacy, founder of the Libertas Institute — a non-profit research and development institute based in Orange County, California. And I’m thrilled to announce the launch of our NEW publication, the Liberty Lab.

Since we’re new here, let me give you a little bit of background…

What We’re All About

It’s difficult to thrive when you’re struggling to survive. And for most people in the world today, life is just that — a struggle to survive or to just get by. And it doesn’t need to be this way. At the Libertas Institute, we see the world the way it is, but we also envision the way it could be.

The R & D of Positive Social Change

The Libertas Institute is a think tank aimed at the research and development of ideas and solutions that optimize human wellness, progress, and potential. In other words, we’re more than a research think tank — we’re also a solutions accelerator.

We’re the first research institute dedicated to Applied Social Theory. This means that we study social problems and then collaborate to implement real-world solutions. Our work includes proposing evidence-based models for change and launching social enterprises that drive real-world impact.

Our Vision

Surviving → Thriving. We envision a world in which all people are free to pursue truth, peace, and purpose. A world where self-interest finds balance with the collective good. Where institutions and corporations are accountable to citizens and consumers, rather than special interests and myopic greed. Where all people are safe and cared for— liberated from the struggle to survive — and able to truly thrive. A world where human potential is fully realized— individually and collectively.

And we are determined to help build this future — one project at a time.

What We Do

We identify real-world problems, analyze root causes, brainstorm solutions, refine them through testing, and drive pragmatic improvements — all with holistic awareness, and without hidden agendas or partisan bias.

Because we believe that every human life is equal in value. And that real change is possible when we focus on what unites us, rather than what divides us.

Our mission is, therefore, to synergize economic and human interests to motivate and facilitate positive social change on a broad scale, so that all individuals and society may flourish.

What’s Applied Social Theory?

Applied Social Theory is an emerging field of study, exploring how theoretical ideas and emergent research and technologies can inform practical solutions for real-world problems.

It’s all about rethinking the status quo and putting new ideas into action for the betterment of society. We conduct, aggregate, and analyze interdisciplinary research integrating insights from psychology, sociology, political science, economics, and more — to drive holistic and sustainable social innovation.

Our Projects

At the Libertas Institute, our current projects focus on reimagining broken systems and designing ethical, compassionate solutions. For example, our project, Divorce Solutions, aims to reform family court processes through mediation, psychological education, and conflict minimization to improve the experience and outcomes for families navigating the US family court system.

We also examine emerging technologies like blockchain, AI, and decentralized systems. We analyze their potential risks and benefits and help guide development that maximizes positive social impact. For example, The MTHR Project, aims to decentralize mortgage lending and “make every person a homeowner” with effective 0% home mortgages. This, while helping to secure our global economies at the same time.

And now, with the launch of the Liberty Lab, we aim to translate our research and knowledge into practical resources for public use, and in doing so become a trusted source of nonbiased, nonpartisan, solutions-oriented information for our readers.



Inspired yet? Then Join us! We welcome writers, researchers, scholars, and entrepreneurs in any field to contribute to the Liberty Lab or join our other Libertas Institute projects. If you’re interested in driving real-world solutions or translating research into practical understanding and use — then be sure to reach out! And also consider joining one of our expert resource panels.

Our areas of research include:

  • Social Enterprise & 4th Sector Economics
  • Emergent Technologies
  • Culture & Society
  • Psychosocial Studies
  • Democratic Capitalism
  • Blockchain & Decentralization
  • Psychology & Self Development
  • Human Development
  • Spirituality & Metaphysics
  • Interpersonal Relationships & Communications
  • Imagery & the Arts
  • Futurology and Change-Making


All are welcome! At the Libertas Institute, we’re not the corporate tower and we’re not the ivory tower— we’re the village in between, where everyone lives.

That said, we’re a bit of a rebel enclave— a community of like-minded individuals with the audacity to care about people, above all else. And the passion to create a better world for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

Do you ever look around at the world today and think Damn. Is this the best that we can do?

If so, you're in the right place! You can read more about the Libertas Institute HERE. But if this resonates with you, please consider joining us in 3 simple ways:

  • Give us a CLAP and sign up for our FREE newsletter
  • Follow us on Instagram and Twitter
  • And share this article with the first person who came to mind while reading it.

That’s it! Thanks for joining. Please feel free to comment or reach out and share your ideas.

And if you would rather outsource “changing the world” — well, we’re happy to provide the tax write-off in exchange. You can find our “Liberty Lab: Let’s Launch” campaign HERE.

Through our projects, research, and publications, we plan to pioneer tangible models of innovation that drive real-world social progress and help YOU thrive.

How can we help?

Please let us know! Because we’re here to serve your interests above all else.

In fact, our innovative nonprofit funding model is designed for long-term self-sufficiency. Within a few years, the Libertas Institute will be supported by passive income and ultimately, an endowment fund — eliminating the need for public and private contributions. Why? Because financial independence preserves our operational freedom to serve the public good, without bias or constraint.

That said, we’re grateful for your interest in our vision and work! Please stay tuned as we share new research and innovations. Your awareness helps accelerate our progress.


Stacy DeGroot, Founder



Stacy DeGroot
The Liberty Lab

Culture. Theory. Poetry. Tech. Founder, the Libertas Institute.