ETA — A New Movement is Born

Tyler Bell
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

Movement Family,

We hope 2021 is treating you and your loved ones exceptionally well! Like many of you that we spoke to over the past year, 2020 was a roller-coaster of emotion and change for the Movement team as well. With all of the challenges faced and pivots made, our commitment to amplifying the fullness of black culture by connecting you to experiences that celebrate us served as our constant North Star. When the world paused, our collective desire to connect remained. And with your feedback and continuous support, we built our very own 2D & 3D Virtual Platform, Movement Spaces that will be fully released soon. But that’s not the headline, you are.

Over the past year, you gave us invaluable insights into how we can better serve you, and today we are so hype to launch the next iteration of our dream to help the culture discover experiences — ETA.

ETA traditionally stands for Estimated Time of Arrival, but for us ETA isn’t an acronym, it’s a movement that signifies that the culture is already here. ETA is what lights up your phone before checking into a dope experience you’ll never forget. ETA isn’t just a new brand, it’s a representation of true human connection and that is what Movement always has and will continue to be about. With ETA, you can’t be late, because the culture has already arrived.

ETA isn’t an acronym, it’s a movement that signifies that the culture is already here.

What’s happening to

We’re still here. Our company is still called The Movement, but we’re segmenting our products (ETA & Movement Spaces) to better serve you.

What’s new about ETA?

Everything! The changes you asked for are being implemented, and many more are on the way. Here are just a few based on your feedback:

Connecting community no matter what city you’re from

ETA is available to people all over the country on day one. We’ll still have city-specific curation, but we’ll be curating online experiences that anyone and everyone can experience.

Curating new mediums and experiences

We’ve seen how much our community has shifted to find new ways to be entertained. From Clubhouse to Versuz battles to Twitch streams, ETA will now curate digital experiences that showcases the spectrum of black joy.

A more mature product and feature improvements

We’ve redesigned the website (major app changes on the way too) to make it as simple and straightforward as possible for the community to discover new experiences. With our ticketing system, we’ve also revamped and will continue to make improvements to support online events and the creators behind them.

What’s next for ETA?

We’re relaunching our website this week, relaunching our app in the coming weeks under the ETA name, followed by a whole suite of improvements.

We wouldn’t be here without you and are grateful for your continued support. Can’t wait to share all that ETA has in store.

Stay Tuned,

Victor & Tyler

