Expedition 🧭, an open-source explorer for Ethereum Classic and Ethereum

Stevan Lohja
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020

Expedition is a minimum open-source block explorer for the EthereumStack supporting Ethereum Classic, Ethereum, and related test networks. Let’s dive into its yummy features.


Upon the first impression, the application has

  • a search field
  • Network selection (ETC, ETH, and related testnets)
  • i18n
  • Link to JSON-RPC API documentation
  • Link to source code
  • RPC configuration settings
  • Dark/ Light mode

Then, followed by some simple network charts. You may have noticed that More Stats button in the button right corner in the Gif above, we’ll get to that 😉.


Still, on the landing page, Expedition provides

  • recent block information, including a gas usage meter
  • pagination between blocks

Now, let’s get to that More Stats feature! The More Stats page shows statistics on the top miners by address and extraData. Further miner information is listed on the page with Gas Usage metering for a block, represented by those empty or partially filled battery looking things 🔋. You can click on a block to explore the block data as well as View Raw.

Stay with me now, let’s dive deeper…

pagination and switching network in real-time on stats page

The More Statistics page supports pagination and switching networks are reflected in real-time!

Expedition can work with any RPC end-point!

Expedition works with any ?rpcUrl= as demonstrated above. This is incredibly useful if a user wants to use a specific end-point or their local development environment.

The application is built with modern technologies such as; Typescript, React, and Material UI making the application easily customizable, performant, and pristine code quality. https://expedition.dev is connected to Multi-Geth which is conveniently managed through Jade service runner in the back-end environment.

About ETC Core

