Get the Signal! — Subscribe to ETC Signal 📡

Stevan Lohja
2 min readApr 20, 2020


ETC Signal 📡 is a newsletter for only important network events such as; hard-fork updates, security alerts, and must-know news that impacts all Ethereum Classic consumers. ETC Signal 📡 is provided by Ethereum Classic Core (ETC Core), and Ethereum Classic Labs (ETC Labs). Subscribe here and receive the signal!

If you are providing a product or service related to a public blockchain, then it’s your responsibility to keep-up with network events that impact you or your customers. In a decentralized ecosystem, this is more challenging as we scale. In Ethereum Classic we coordinate a lot of events between each-other in the community, but many consumers are not part of the process or aware of consensus developments. Therefore, we’re providing a signal to keep Ethereum Classic consumers coordinated with important network events.

We will use the Signal to send updates to ETC consumers regarding the coming Phoenix hard-fork. Subscribe here to get the signal!

Join the working group.

There is a#signal📡 working group on the ETC Labs/ ETC Core Discord. Feel free to participate here.

